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In unserem Blog erhalten Sie alle wichtigen Informationen zu den Neuigkeiten am ReportServer.

We are happy to announce the release of ReportServer 3.0.2. ReportServer 3.0.2 is a maintenance release which fixes several bugs and comes with a few minor improvements. Find a list of all changes in the release notes. Upgrade instructions can be found on the documentations page. We are looking forward to hearing your comments and feedback. Until then … […]

We have added a new tutorial: Best Practice — Manually Installing ReportServer on Windows

This is the second post in the Dynamic List series and here we dig a bit deeper into the rational behind Dynamic Lists. We discuss data warehouse design and spreadsheets and how the Dynamic List fits into both to then discuss how to optimize your data warehouse design for Dynamic Lists.

ReportServer comes with several reporting engines one being the Dynamic List. While the Dynamic List certainly doesn’t have a flashy name, don’t let that fool you. In simple terms the Dynamic List is The Tool for relational reporting, empowering your users to get the data they need when they need it while at the same […]

ReportServer comes with a flexible authentication mechanism that can be extended via ReportServer’s hookable plugin infrastructure. In the latest addition to our tutorial section we discuss how authentication works behind the scenes and what steps are necessary to extend ReportServer to use your custom authentication scheme. Tutorial: An Introduction to Custom Authenticators We hope you find this latest […]

Our latest addition to the tutorials explains how to set up ReportServer in Eclipse. This provides you with the ideal environment to dig deep into ReportServer. Whether you want to really dive into scripting or want to have a poke around ReportServer’s source code, this is the perfect start. Tutorial: Setting up Development with ReportServer 3.0

ReportServer 3.0 is out and in this post we want to tell you all about it.

We are thrilled to announce the release of ReportServer 3.0 which comes with a bunch of new and exciting features. With this new release we have also implemented a change in the licensing model which we would like to discuss in the following.

During the last weeks we have seen some fantastic new reviews of ReportSever on the B2B platform G2 Crowd and we are delighted that we have reached the number of reviews necessary to be listed on the G2 Crowd grid (bottom center).

This is the first blog article on our freshly refurbished blog. It’s been a bit quiet here which we want to change and what is better than a bit of fresh paint for a fresh start. This blog post explains how to add support for SQL Server via the open source jTDS driver. The relevant […]

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