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In unserem Blog erhalten Sie alle wichtigen Informationen zu den Neuigkeiten am ReportServer.

Quite a bit of exciting stuff is happening behind the scenes and we would like to tell you a bit about a recent project: We have teamed up with Bitnami to provide you with an effortless experience of setting up ReportServer for giving it a test-drive or even to install it for within your production environment.

ReportServer is available in numerous languages, however if you like to add a new language, or improve one of the existing translations, this document outlines the necessary steps.

In this post we give a short introduction into the new Pivot capabilities of ReportServer’s dynamic list which we added with ReportServer 2.2.

We are happy to announce the first preview release of ReportServer 2.2 which is available for download on sourceforge now. Besides many improvements ReportServer 2.2 introduces some new functionality which we want to present in this post. We are looking forward to hear your thoughts and comments!

In recent posts we already outlined the necessary steps to support additional databases in ReportServer. Today we will add to this series the script that allows to connect ReportServer with a Sybase database.

It’s been a bit quiet here over the last couple of weeks as we have been busy preparing for CeBit. Now that CeBit is over the next release of ReportServer is around the corner (we are planning to release ReportServer 2.2 in June) and I thought I tell you a bit about it.

This year, for the first time, datenwerke will be at CeBIT 2014 in Hannover (Germany). As a co-exhibitor with Hessen Trade & Invest we will set up our stand in Hall 2 (Digital Business Solutions). Besides presenting our web-based open source business intelligence software ReportServer, we will also introduce TDE:R3, which helps you standardize your […]

We are happy to announce the release of our standardized support package for ReportServer. It includes a service level agreement with guaranteed response times, access to all available documentation, detailed upgrade instructions for each new ReportServer release, one hour of free support per month, a commercial license if needed and more. Further information…

Recently I’ve been asked what the easiest way is to add nice looking charts to a ReportServer dashboard. There are, of course, many ways to achieve this. You could for instance create a report in Jasper or Birt and simply embed the PDF. In this blog post we look at what you can do with […]

If you just downloaded and installed ReportServer, the system is basically empty. In this post we will explain the necessary steps to install our set of example data.

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