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In unserem Blog erhalten Sie alle wichtigen Informationen zu den Neuigkeiten am ReportServer.

ReportServer 4.0.0 is now available for all users. It contains many new features, improvements and bug fixes. An overview of the most important are shown below. Library upgrades Note that as of ReportServer 4.0.0, Java 11 JRE or later is required. Note that as of ReportServer 4.0.0, legacy JXLS1 is not further supported. The following […]

The 3.7.1-6052 version is now available for all users. It contains new features, bugfixes and improvements of the 3.7.1 version. For a list of all changes please refer to the Release Notes. The upgrade guide is available in the documentation area. Happy reporting! You ReportServer Team

The 3.1.0-6051 version is now available for all users. It contains new features, bugfixes and improvements of the 3.1.0 version. For a list of all changes please refer to the release notes. The upgrade guide is available in the documentation area.Happy reporting!

The 3.7.1-6050 version is now available for all users. It contains new features, bugfixes and improvements of the 3.7.1 version. For a list of all changes please refer to the Release Notes. The upgrade guide is available in the documentation area. Happy reporting! You ReportServer Team

The 3.1.0-6049 version is now available for all users. It contains new features, bugfixes and improvements of the 3.1.0 version. For a list of all changes please refer to the release notes. The upgrade guide is available in the documentation area.Happy reporting!

Hi, as many of you probably heard, log4j 2 (2.0 until 2.14.1) has this critical security issue: CVE-2021-44228 ReportServer is not affected by this on its default configuration. Why?– ReportServer does not use log4j 2, only log4j-over-slf4j-1.7.12 and slf4j-jdk14 1.7.12, which are not affected, refer to: – If you use Crystal Reports as described here: you are, affected, though, as […]

The 3.7.1-6048 version is now available for all users. It contains new features, bugfixes and improvements of the 3.7.1 version. For a list of all changes please refer to the Release Notes. The upgrade guide is available in the documentation area. Happy reporting! You ReportServer Team

The 3.1.0-6047 version is now available for all users. It contains new features, bugfixes and improvements of the 3.1.0 version. For a list of all changes please refer to the release notes. The upgrade guide is available in the documentation area.Happy reporting!

We are pleased to announce that the 3.7.1 version of ReportServer is now available for download. For a list of all changes please refer to the Release Notes. The upgrade guide is available in the documentation area. The javadocs can be found here: of entities: of hooks: of services: Happy reporting! Your ReportServer Team

The 3.1.0-6045 version is now available for all users. It contains new features, bugfixes and improvements of the 3.1.0 version. For a list of all changes please refer to the release notes. The upgrade guide is available in the documentation area.Happy reporting!

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