20.58. scheduler

The superordinate scheduler command includes the following commands to control the scheduler.

daemon Enables to start and stop the scheduler. disable will stop the scheduler and prevent it to restart in case of a ReportServer restart. Commands prefixed by wd refer to Watchdog which is integrated in the Scheduler. For further information on this refer to the Developer manual.
Use: scheduler daemon [start, stop, restart, enable, disable, status, wdstatus, wdshutdown, 
	wdstart, wdrestart]
list Lists jobid, type and nextFireTime.
Use: scheduler list
listFireTimes Lists the upcoming fire times for a given jobid for the next numberofFireTimes. If numberofFireTimes is not specified default is 10.
Use: scheduler listFireTimes jobid numberofFireTimes
remove Deletes a job with given jobid from the dispositions.
Use: scheduler remove jobid
replaceUser Replaces an old user with a new user in all owners, executors, scheduled-by and recipients of all active scheduler jobs. The old and new users can be addressed with an object resolver query. Refer to Section 18.5. Object Resolver for more information on object resolver queries.

The following example replaces the old user with ID 123 with the new user with ID 456.

scheduler replaceUser id:User:123 id:User:456
Use: scheduler replaceUser oldUser newUser
unschedule Cancels a job with given jobid from the dispositions.
scheduler unschedule jobid