Datasinks can be enabled/disabled in the /fileserver/etc/datasinks/ file. Here you have an entry similar as the following for each supported datasink type:
<sftp disabled="false" supportsScheduling="true" />
<ftp disabled="false" supportsScheduling="true" />
The disabled option controls if the datasink is overall enabled or disabled. Further, scheduling via datasinks can be enabled or disabled via the supportsScheduling setting. Note that you can not enable scheduling if the datasink is overall disabled.
Further, you can select a default datasink per type as shown below for email / SMTP datasinks:
<email disabled="false" supportsScheduling="true">
Here, your default datasink is the datasink with the key DEFAULT_EMAIL_DATASINK. You can select the default datasink by key:
<email disabled="false" supportsScheduling="true">
or by id:
<email disabled="false" supportsScheduling="true">
For the SFTP/FTPS/SCP datasinks to work, you have to add your SFTP/FTPS/SCP host to your .ssh/known_hosts file ( in order to verify the identity of the remote host, thus protecting against impersonation or man-in-the-middle attacks. Its location be configured in the /fileserver/etc/security/ file as follows.
E.g.: Use ssh-keyscan IP >> known_hosts in order to add the given IP to your known_hosts file.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
For manually adding a public key to the .ssh/known_hosts file, check here:
E.g.: Use ssh-keyscan IP >> known_hosts in order to add the given IP to your known_hosts file.
As of ReportServer 4.7.0, the old, deprecated and insecure mail/ configuration file is deleted. Please delete it from your system. Instead, Email SMTP datasinks should be used together with a default email datasink, which can be defined in the /etc/datasinks/ configuration file as follows.
<email disabled="false" supportsScheduling="true">
<defaultDatasinkName>Default Email Datasink</defaultDatasinkName>
<!-- or access via ID -->
<!-- <defaultDatasinkId>14</defaultDatasinkId> -->
You can use the name of the datasink, or use the ID of the datasink, for the assignment. Use one of the two variants above for the configuration.
Note that you can configure a default datasink per datasink type, so this is not limited to email SMTP datasinks.