In this chapter we explain how to add custom "send to targets" to the Send to... menu within the report executor. These can be used to, for example, upload a report to a web service.
To add a custom target we need to implement which consists of three methods: consumes, getId, and sendTo. The getId method is used to define a unique identifier to identify the send to target. The consumes method takes as input a report object and allows to specify a target configuration. Finally, the sendTo method is called to execute the action. The basic outline to define a target is thus the following code snippet
def callback = [
consumes : { report ->
def config = new SendToClientConfig()
config.title = 'Custom Send To'
config.icon = 'wrench'
return config
getId : { ->
return 'aUniqueId'
sendTo : { report, values, execConfig ->
// perform send to action
] as SendToTargetProviderHookAdapter, SendToTargetProviderHook, callback)
The consumes method takes as input the current report object and returns an object of type SendToClientConfig (or null, if for this report the target should not be active). In its simplest form the SendToClientConfig only takes a title and possibly an icon (any font-awesome icon identifier, you may find the identifiers here: which is used to populate the send-to menu on the client. If the user selects the menu item the sendTo method of the above hook is called. The sendTo method takes as input
report | The report object with its current configuration. |
values | In case a form configuration is specified (we'll cover forms shortly) the values object is a map containing the selected values. |
execConfig | Contains the execution config which should be passed on in case the report is executed. |
An important point to make is that the report object is not necessarily as the stored object in the database but is configured as it was currently configured on the client side. This in particular means that the ID field of the report object is not set. In order to obtain the id you can use the getOldTransientId() method. Note that this is not the case for the report provided to the consumes method.
By default the send to target does directly call the script when the user selects the option. You can specify that the user needs to configure an output format. For this call config.selectFormat = true when specifying the SendToClientConfig object. Then, when the user selects the send-to target he or she will first be asked to specify an output format. In this case you can make your life easier when implementing the hook and override the method
public String sendTo(CompiledReport compiledReport, Report report,
String format, HashMap<String, String> values,
ReportExecutionConfig... executionConfig)
Here, as first parameter you are given the executed report (compiledReport). In this case we do not need to implement the other sendTo method, and an implementation could look like the following:
def callback = [
consumes : { report ->
def config = new SendToClientConfig()
config.title = 'Custom Send To'
config.selectFormat = true
return config
getId : { ->
return 'aUniqueId'
sendTo : { compiledReport, report, format, values, execConfig ->
// perform send to action
] as SendToTargetProviderHookAdapter, SendToTargetProviderHook, callback)
In addition to (or in place of) having the user select an output format for the report you can specify additional form fields. That is, you can display a simple form when the send-to menu item is selected and then have the data from the form available when executing the action. This is what the parameter values is for. It contains a map of the form-data specified by the user. In order to configure a form you can set the "form" property of the SendToClientConfig:
def callback = [
consumes : { report ->
def config = new SendToClientConfig()
config.title = 'Custom Send To'
config.form = '' // the form configuration via json
return config
getId : { ->
return 'aUniqueId'
sendTo : { report, values, execConfig ->
// perform send to action
] as SendToTargetProviderHookAdapter
The form is defined via JSON ( The basic outline is as follows, where ''form'' would take the actual form configuration. The properties width and height define the width and height of the popup window that contains the form.
"width": 400,
"height": 200,
"form" : {
// form configuration
The form configuration itself consists of a definition of fields.
"form" : {
"fields": [{
// first field
}, {
// second field
Each field consists of an id, a type, a label and possibly a value. For example,
"id": "email",
"type": "string",
"label": "Email Address",
"value": ""
The field id defines a unique name for the form element, label defines the field label and value allows to specify the field's content. Type, defines the type of form field. Currently supported are the types:
string | A text field. |
int | An integer field. |
dd | A dropdown list. |
Putting it all together we could define a form as follows, which consists of three fields, a textfield, an integer field and a dropdown list. Note that the values for the dropdown list are provided as key-value pairs.
"width": 400,
"height": 200,
"form" : {
"labelAlign": "left",
"fields": [{
"id": "email",
"type": "string",
"label": "Email Address",
"value": ""
}, {
"id": "int",
"type": "int",
"label": "Some integer field",
"value" : "15"
}, {
"id" : "dropdown",
"type" : "dd",
"label" : "some list",
"values" : [
{"A" : "B"}, {"c" : "D" }, {"foo" : "bar"}
"value" : "foo"
If a form is specified, then the values parameter of the sendTo method consist of a Map<String,String> object that contains the value (represented as string) for each form field.
By default any send-to target is also available as a scheduler target. You can prevent this by implementing the method supportsScheduling:
def callback = [
consumes : { report ->
def config = new SendToClientConfig()
config.title = 'Custom Send To'
return config
getId : { ->
return 'aUniqueId'
sendTo : { report, values, execConfig ->
// perform send to action
supportsScheduling: { -> return false }
] as SendToTargetProviderHookAdapter
If you have scheduling enabled, then by default a scheduling execution is forwarded to the sendTo method of your hook. You can however further control the scheduling execution by additionally overriding the method scheduledSendTo.
def callback = [
consumes : { report ->
def config = new SendToClientConfig()
config.title = 'Custom Send To'
return config
getId : { ->
return 'aUniqueId'
sendTo : { report, values, execConfig ->
// perform send to action
scheduledSendTo : { compiledReport, report, reportJob, format, values ->
// perform action
supportsScheduling: { -> return true }
] as SendToTargetProviderHookAdapter
Similarly, to the sendTo method you have access to the report object and the configured values. However, in addition you can access the compiledReport (the scheduler executed the report according to the instructions and the first parameter contains the result) as well as to the scheduler job definition.
The following is a complete example that reimplements sending a report via email.
reportExec = GLOBALS.getInstance(ReportExecutorService)
mailService = GLOBALS.getInstance(MailService)
def callback = [
consumes : { report ->
def config = new SendToClientConfig()
config.title = 'Send via Custom Mail'
config.icon = 'send'
config.form = """
"width": 400,
"height": 180,
"form" : {
"labelAlign": "top",
"fields": [{
"id": "email",
"type": "string",
"label": "Email Address",
"value": ""
return config
getId : {
return 'someUniqueId'
sendTo : { report, values, execConfig ->
def pdf = reportExec.execute(report, ReportExecutorService.OUTPUT_FORMAT_PDF, execConfig)
// prepare for sending mail
def mail = mailService.newSimpleMail()
mail.subject = 'The Report'
mail.toRecipients = values['email']
mail.from = ''
def attachment = new SimpleAttachment(, pdf.mimeType, 'filename.pdf')
mail.setContent('Some Message', attachment)
// send mail
mailService.sendMail mail
return "Send the report via mail. Config $values" as String
] as SendToTargetProviderHookAdapter, SendToTargetProviderHook, callback)
The script can be downloaded here:
If you need scheduling, you can use the following example:
reportExec = GLOBALS.getInstance(ReportExecutorService)
mailService = GLOBALS.getInstance(MailService)
def doSendEmail(pdf, values) {
// prepare for sending mail
def mail = mailService.newSimpleMail()
mail.subject = 'The Report'
mail.toRecipients = values['email']
mail.from = ''
def attachment = new SimpleAttachment(, pdf.mimeType, 'filename.pdf')
mail.setContent('Some Message', attachment)
// send mail
mailService.sendMail mail
def callback = [
consumes : { report ->
def config = new SendToClientConfig()
config.title = 'Send via Custom Mail'
config.icon = 'send'
config.form = """
"width": 400,
"height": 180,
"form" : {
"labelAlign": "top",
"fields": [{
"id": "email",
"type": "string",
"label": "Email Address",
"value": ""
return config
getId : {
return 'someUniqueId'
sendTo : { report, values, execConfig ->
def pdf = reportExec.execute(report, ReportExecutorService.OUTPUT_FORMAT_PDF, execConfig)
doSendEmail(pdf, values)
return "Send the report via mail. Config $values" as String
scheduledSendTo: { compiledReport, report, reportJob, format, values ->
def pdf = reportExec.execute(report, ReportExecutorService.OUTPUT_FORMAT_PDF)
doSendEmail(pdf, values)
] as SendToTargetProviderHookAdapter, SendToTargetProviderHook, callback)
The script can be downloaded here: