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Our blog provides you with all the important information about the latest ReportServer news.

In version 2.1 we added experimental support for SAP Crystal Reports which can now be used alongside Jasper and Birt for generating graphical reports with ReportServer. In this blog post we want to show you how to get started with Crystal.

In this post we will show the necessary steps to connect ReportServer to an Active Directory using LDAP. As there are many valid ways to organize a company’s directory (may it be AD or another vendors product) ReportServer does not come with a predefined LDAP connector. This on one hand means, that the configuration might […]

We are happy to announce the release of ReportServer version 2.1 RC1. It is available for download from sourceforge. Version 2.1 is foremost a maintenance release, but it comes with a couple of exciting new features such as experimental support for SAP Crystal Reports and improved support for use with mobile devices.Besides many detail improvements […]

In our last post we have outlined the general process on how to add support for additional databases to ReportServer. Today we will give another example by explaining the necessary steps on how to access a Vertica database with ReportServer.

By default ReportServer is shipped with support only for the most common database systems, although it can interact with virtually every database, that offers a JDBC compliant driver. In this post we will show how to develop a groovy script that adds support for the firebird database ( to ReportServer.

In this post we have a look at how ReportServer exposes reports via the URL and how this can be used to implement drilling.

In this post we show you how to integrate reports generated with Eclipse Birt in ReportServer. We will create a simple report accessing ReportServer’s demo content that we set up in a previous post. We then show how to upload the report to ReportServer and execute it from there.

In this post we show you how to integrate reports generated with JasperReports in ReportServer. We will create a simple report accessing the demo content that we set up last time . We then show how to upload this report to ReportServer and execute it from there.

In this post we set the basis for many of the upcoming tutorials. We will show you how to load the democontent into ReportServer’s internal database so that we can later base our reporting tutorial on some data. We assume that you have ReportServer up and running which should be the case after following the […]

After more than a year of intensive development we have completed ReportServer 2.0 and made it available for download on Sourceforge. With a completely redesigned interface, many new features and more than 100 detail improvements, Report Server 2.0 further improves the ease and efficiency of your everyday reporting.

InfoFabrik GmbH

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