Release Notes for ReportServer 3.0.5

These release notes reflect the changes with respect to ReportServer 3.0.4.

New Features, Improvements and Bug Fixes for ReportServer 3.0.5

RS-434New Feature Remove variants from admin report tree and show them in report variants tab
RS-1513New Feature Allow to select report via path in the URL export "reportexport" servlet
RS-2281New Feature Allow teamspace global admins to switch the teamspace owner
RS-3062New Feature Context menu für variants in variants tab
RS-3075New Feature Allow to select report via path in the URL export "httpauthexport" servlet
RS-3076New Feature Allow to select report via path in the "reportexec" execution
RS-3077New Feature Allow to select report via path in the "inlinereport" execution
RS-2227Improvement Increase height to max. possible of file edit tab content
RS-2230Improvement File/dashboard/dadget duplication in admin panel: rename the duplicated file
RS-2232Improvement Allow to minimize edit text file popup
RS-2364Improvement If errors occur while loading message files log them with the logger
RS-2390Improvement Copying a file on the terminal in the same directory as the original file should rename the file
RS-2391Improvement Allow to provide a target file name when copying files on the terminal
RS-2415Improvement Adapt search to variants not longer being displayed in the report tree (now in variants tab).
RS-2434Improvement Allow scrolling in report variants, properties, metadata, parameters, and user variables tabs
RS-2437Improvement Report selection dialog: add "submit" button to allow report selection without double click
RS-2474Improvement Tree selection popup: Select on double click if only one item can be selected
RS-3055Improvement Show additional information on report info window: distinguish between soft and hard TeamSpace references and show their ids and the corresponding report ids
RS-3056Improvement Show additional information on report info window: show scheduler jobs in which the report is present
RS-3059Improvement Selection popup: allow to select on double click if only one item can be selected
RS-3068Improvement Optimization of report permission management for scenario with large number of users and groups
RS-3069Improvement Optimization of user and group tree loading process for scenario with large number of users and groups
RS-3070Improvement Fetch children list of abstract nodes from database only when the concrete nodes may possibly have children
RS-1376Bug Exception when copying reports with cp: non-unique key
RS-2351Bug When an item is removed in a tree, the parent selection event is not properly fired
RS-3046Bug Dimention cache is not refreshing correctly for pivot reports in some cases
RS-3061Bug Prevent null in the teamspaces' report names
RS-3063Bug Deletion of variants in variants tab is not refreshing the variant list correctly
RS-3064Bug Error with single-click selection in user variables
RS-3065Bug Tree selection popup does not hide itself correctly in some cases
RS-3072Bug Status bar label is not shown correctly
RS-3073Bug Bug with automatic selection of tabs (sticky tabs) when new entry is selected if the tab does not exist
RS-3079Bug DATE formatting is lost in Excel export