Release Notes for ReportServer 3.1.1

These release notes reflect the changes with respect to ReportServer 3.1.0.

Some Important Features and Noteworthy Improvements for ReportServer RS3.1.1

Allow to change lost password email texts via config file

ReportServer 3.1.1 allows you to edit the text a user receives per email when the user's password is lost. The following is a configuration file for this purpose (/etc/security/

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
            <subject>Password lost</subject>
            <text>Dear user ${user.getFirstname()} ${user.getLastname()},

A password request was issued for: 

   User: ${user.getUsername()}
   Password: ${password}

Add "config echo" command for printing out individual current configuration parameters

In order to read the current active value of a configuration parameter, you can use "config echo", e.g. for reading the default charset in the configuration file:

config echo main/ default.charset
would return you e.g. "UTF-8". For reading an attribute in the form:

<mailaction html="false">
you can write:

config echo scheduler/ scheduler.mailaction[@html]
More details on the syntax can be found in the Apache Commons Configuration documentation

Allow to configure the width of the columns in the dynamic list preview

You can now set the column widths of your dynamic lists via dynamic list configuration, refer to the next screenshot for an example.

Column widths

You can also set defaults for all dynamic lists in the "/etc/ui/" configuration file (defaultColumnWidth, maxColumnWidth):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 ReportServer Configuration File
 filename: ui/
 Configures how previews are rendered 

Allow to configure if user account existence should be shown in the lost password dialog

You can now configure if the lost password dialog should reveal if the given username is existent or if no information should be disclosed. Per default, no information is disclosed. The configuration setting (indicateWrongUsername) is found in the /etc/security/ file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <lostpassword indicateWrongUsername="false">
            <text>${msgs['']['lostPasswordSalutation']} ${user.getFirstname()} ${user.getLastname()},


   ${msgs['']['lostPasswordUsername']}: ${user.getUsername()}
   ${msgs['']['lostPasswordPassword']}: ${password}



Library Deletions and Upgrades

In ReportServer 3.1.1 we deleted 52 libraries and upgraded 8. This removes many external dependencies in ReportServer.

New Features, Improvements and Bug Fixes for ReportServer RS3.1.1

RS-2386 New Feature Allow to change lost password email texts via config file
RS-2416 New Feature Add "config echo" command for printing out individual current configuration parameters
RS-3516 New Feature Allow to configure the width of the columns in the dynamic list preview
RS-3517 New Feature Default column width of the dynamic list should be configurable
RS-3688 New Feature Allow user to set the charset of the dynamic list csv export
RS-3720 New Feature Fetch default charset for CSV export from configuration file
RS-3746 New Feature Allow to configure if user account existence should be shown in the lost password dialog
RS-3747 New Feature Upgrade JQuery to 3.4.1
RS-3756 New Feature Dynamic list column width should allow only values smaller than a given maximum value
RS-3757 New Feature Dynamic list column width maximum value should be configurable
RS-3210 Improvement Change DTO creation script compatibility to Java 8
RS-3211 Improvement Allow to use Java 8 syntax in server side code
RS-3695 Improvement Replace atunit-1.0.1.jar calls with analogous calls from other libraries
RS-3697 Improvement Remove unnecessary atunit-1.0.1.jar library
RS-3698 Improvement Remove unnecessary jmock-junit4-2.5.1.jar library
RS-3699 Improvement Remove unnecessary junit-dep-4.4.jar library
RS-3700 Improvement Remove unnecessary jmock-2.5.1.jar library
RS-3701 Improvement Remove unnecessary hamcrest-library-1.1.jar library
RS-3702 Improvement Remove unnecessary easymock-2.3.jar library
RS-3703 Improvement Remove unnecessary guiceberry-3.1.0.jar library
RS-3704 Improvement Remove unnecessary guava-testlib-10.0.jar library
RS-3705 Improvement Remove unnecessary commons-modeler-1.1.jar library
RS-3706 Improvement Remove unnecessary commons-validator-1.4.0.jar library
RS-3707 Improvement Remove unnecessary mockito-all-1.9.0.jar library
RS-3709 Improvement Remove unnecessary symmetric-db-3.1.1.jar library
RS-3710 Improvement Remove unnecessary symmetric-util-3.1.1.jar library
RS-3711 Improvement Remove unnecessary jxls-reader-1.0.6.jar library
RS-3715 Improvement Remove guice-grapher-3.0.jar calls
RS-3716 Improvement Remove unnecessary guice-grapher-3.0.jar library
RS-3717 Improvement Remove unnecessary jetty-jndi-8.1.12.v20130726.jar library
RS-3718 Improvement Remove unnecessary jetty-plus-8.1.12.v20130726.jar library
RS-3719 Improvement Remove unnecessary saaj-impl-1.3.18.jar library
RS-3742 Improvement Better default lost password message
RS-3791 Improvement Improve hindi translations
RS-3799 Improvement Remove unnecessary woodstox-core-asl-4.1.2.jar library
RS-3800 Improvement Remove unnecessary policy-2.3.1.jar library
RS-3801 Improvement Remove unnecessary istack-commons-runtime-2.6.1.jar library
RS-3802 Improvement Remove unnecessary jempbox-1.8.6.jar library
RS-3803 Improvement Remove unnecessary txw2-20110809.jar library
RS-3804 Improvement Remove unnecessary gmbal-api-only-3.1.0-b001.jar library
RS-3805 Improvement Remove unnecessary management-api-3.0.0-b012.jar library
RS-3806 Improvement Remove unnecessary ha-api-3.1.8.jar library
RS-3807 Improvement Remove unnecessary streambuffer-1.4.jar library
RS-3809 Improvement Remove unnecessary jsr181-api-1.0-MR1.jar library
RS-3810 Improvement Remove unnecessary guice-throwingproviders-3.0.jar library
RS-3811 Improvement Remove unnecessary stax2-api-3.1.1.jar library
RS-3812 Improvement Remove unnecessary javacup-10k.jar library
RS-3814 Improvement Remove unnecessary hamcrest-core-1.1.jar library
RS-3815 Improvement Remove unnecessary miredot-annotations-1.3.1.jar library
RS-3816 Improvement Remove calls to miredot-annotations-1.3.1.jar library
RS-3820 Improvement Adopt column width from dynamic list preview view (right click on column - column width) into column configuration view
RS-3826 Improvement Adopt column width from dynamic list preview view (right click on column - column width all columns) into column configuration view
RS-3827 Improvement Adopt column width from dynamic list preview view (right click on column - optimal column width) into column configuration view
RS-3828 Improvement Adopt column width from dynamic list preview view (manual column resize) into column configuration view
RS-3830 Improvement Adopt standard column width configuration in dynamic list preview view (right click on column - width and width all)
RS-3831 Improvement Adopt maximum column width configuration in dynamic list preview view (right click on column - width and width all)
RS-3844 Improvement Remove calls to spring-context-3.0.6.RELEASE.jar library
RS-3845 Improvement Remove unnecessary spring-context-3.0.6.RELEASE.jar library
RS-3846 Improvement Remove unnecessary spring-expression-3.0.6.RELEASE.jar library
RS-3847 Improvement Remove unnecessary spring-core-3.0.6.RELEASE.jar library
RS-3848 Improvement Remove calls to spring-beans-3.0.6.RELEASE.jar library
RS-3849 Improvement Remove unnecessary spring-beans-3.0.6.RELEASE.jar library
RS-3850 Improvement Remove unnecessary spring-asm-3.0.6.RELEASE.jar library
RS-3851 Improvement Remove unnecessary spring-aop-3.0.6.RELEASE.jar library
RS-3852 Improvement Remove unnecessary junit-4.10.jar library
RS-3853 Improvement Remove unnecessary ant-1.7.1.jar library
RS-3854 Improvement Remove unnecessary ant-launcher-1.7.1.jar library
RS-3855 Improvement Remove calls to transloader-0.4.jar library
RS-3856 Improvement Remove unnecessary transloader-0.4.jar library
RS-3857 Improvement Remove unnecessary objenesis-1.3.jar library
RS-3858 Improvement Upgrade to commons-collections 3.2.2
RS-3859 Improvement Upgrade to commons-beanutils 1.9.4
RS-3860 Improvement Add commons-lang3-3.4.jar library
RS-3861 Improvement Upgrade to castor-xml 1.4.1
RS-3862 Improvement Upgrade to castor-core 1.4.1
RS-3876 Improvement Upgrade to jackson-core 2.9.8
RS-3878 Improvement Upgrade to jackson-databind 2.9.8
RS-3879 Improvement Upgrade to jackson-annotations 2.9.8
RS-3880 Improvement Remove unnecessary esapi-2.0.1.jar library
RS-3881 Improvement Remove unnecessary antisamy-1.4.3.jar library
RS-3882 Improvement Remove unnecessary nekohtml-1.9.12.jar library
RS-3883 Improvement Remove unnecessary bsh-core-2.0b4.jar library
RS-3884 Improvement Remove unnecessary core-2.3.0.jar library
RS-3885 Improvement Remove unnecessary xpp3- library
RS-3886 Improvement Remove unnecessary commons-jxpath-1.3.jar library
RS-3887 Improvement Remove unnecessary jai_imageio-1.1.jar library