Release Notes for ReportServer 3.2.0

These release notes reflect the changes with respect to ReportServer 3.1.2.

Some Important Features and Noteworthy Improvements for ReportServer RS3.2.0

Allow to disable SFTP server

You can now disable the SFTP server by setting the disabled property in your /etc/misc/ file:

	<sftp disabled="true">
		<!-- Use $generated in order to generate a key on first start. -->
After a ReportServer restart, the SFTP server will not be started if disabled previously.

Report deployment analysis

Allows to create an analysis of a deployment attempt of a given report (left report) into an destination report (right report). Both reports have to exist already in ReportServer. This analysis lists conflicts -including context- that would occur during a deployment attempt of the left report into the right report. You can create this document with this command:

deployReport analyze id:Report:75919 id:Report:64253
where the id of the left report is 75919 and the id of the right report is 64253. An example analysis is shown in the following screenshots.

The current sections in the analysis are:

Note that if an entry does not cause a conflict, e.g. if the corresponding column is not used in any variant, the entry is not listed in the analysis result.

Dynamic list filter export

The filters and pre-filters can now be exported in an analogous way as the parameters. For this, you can use the new "output_filters" report property analogously as the "output_parameters" property. For HTML and PDF export, you can use the "${filterMapSimple}" variable analogously to the "${parameterMapSimple}" variable in the /etc/dynamiclists/ (/etc/dynamiclists/ for pdf). An example Excel export is shown in the following screenshot.

Note that all configuration options: parameters, filters and pre-filters are being exported into the "Configuration" sheet. This allows you to completely understand the data shown in the "Dynamic list" sheet.

Export list of scheduler job recipients and owners

You can now export a list of scheduler job recipients and owners in the scheduler email. For substitution of this list of users, you can use a fluent API that allows you to configure the output exactly as you need. For a list of available methods please refer to the documentation. As an example, if you enter the following configuration:


will print the following:

Barry Jones (bjones)

Diane Murphy (dmurphy)

Gerard Hernandez (ghernande)

Larry Bott (lbott)

If you want to separate the users by a comma instead of a new line, you can enter use the "setSeparator()" method as follows:

      setSeparator(", ").

which will print the following data:

Barry Jones (bjones), Diane Murphy (dmurphy), Gerard Hernandez (ghernande), Larry Bott (lbott)

For printing the list of owners, you can use the "owners" variable analogously.

MySQL 8 and MariaDB 10 support

You can now create and use MySQL 8 and MariaDB 10 datasources. The old MySQL 5 and MariaDB 5 datasources are of course also supported.

Mondrian 3 support

Mondrian 3 OLAP reports are now supported alongside with Mondrian 4 OLAP reports. The Mondrian 4 features, e.g. parameter substitution, cache deletion, or variant configuration protection are also supported in Mondrian 3. For activating Mondrian 3, please select the "Mondrian 3" checkbox in the following screenshot of your Mondrian datasource.

DB driver upgrade

The following drivers were upgraded:

JXLS2 streaming

For heavy JXLS2 reports, i.e. reports having a large quantity of records and columns, you can now activate the streaming option with the jxls_streaming report property as shown in the following screenshot. This should improve performance. The property can be activated per report or/and per variant and works analogously for JXLS2 reports and JXLS2 templates of the dynamic list.

Keep in mind that with jxls2 streaming activated, most Excel formulas can not be used directly, so this is best for streaming raw data. We will update our documentation for details on this.

Copy/move variants between reports

You can now copy or move variants between different reports with the "mv" or "cp" commands, respectively, as shown in the following screenshot. Details can be found in the documentation.

New Features, Improvements and Bug Fixes for ReportServer RS3.2.0-6025

RS-2373 New Feature Allow to disable SFTP server
RS-3029 New Feature MySQL 8 Support
RS-3455 New Feature Allow exporting filters to dynamic list HTML export
RS-3518 New Feature Adjust dynamic list Excel export's column widths if these are set
RS-3917 New Feature Integrate OLAP Mondrian 3 along with OLAP Mondrian 4
RS-4039 New Feature Allow to create and download deploy analysis report by "deployReport analyze" command
RS-4045 New Feature Analyze query field names in deploy analysis report
RS-4046 New Feature Analyze query field types in deploy analysis report
RS-4047 New Feature Add new license types: "Corporate" and "Test / Dev" licenses
RS-4060 New Feature Allow exporting filters to dynamic list's PDF export
RS-4061 New Feature Allow exporting pre-filters to dynamic list's HTML export
RS-4062 New Feature Allow exporting pre-filters to dynamic list's PDF export
RS-4063 New Feature Allow exporting filters to dynamic list's Excel export
RS-4064 New Feature Allow exporting pre-filters to dynamic list Excel export
RS-4078 New Feature Show variants of report missing columns in deploy analysis report
RS-4079 New Feature Show variants of right report using columns with different definitions as in left report in deploy analysis report
RS-4084 New Feature Filter conflicting columns when only analyzing conflicts in "reportDeploy analyze" command
RS-4101 New Feature Upgrade Postgres driver to postgresql-42.2.12.jar
RS-4105 New Feature Upgrade MySQL driver to mysql-connector-java-8.0.20.jar
RS-4106 New Feature MariaDB 10 Support
RS-4107 New Feature Upgrade MariaDB driver to mariadb-java-client-2.6.0.jar
RS-4110 New Feature Upgrade H2 driver to h2-1.4.200.jar
RS-4111 New Feature Upgrade HSQL driver to hsqldb-2.5.0.jar
RS-4119 New Feature Upgrade to PDF.js Version 2.3.200 (build: 4ae3f9fc)
RS-4133 New Feature Allow to flush Mondrian 3 datasource cache
RS-4154 New Feature Publish example administration script: "Reports in TeamSpaces"
RS-4157 New Feature Mondrian 3 reports should support variant configuration protection
RS-4159 New Feature Support parameters in Mondrian 3 report query
RS-4183 New Feature Allow to print job recipients in scheduler email
RS-4188 New Feature Allow jxls2 reports to be configured to allow streaming
RS-4190 New Feature Allow to print job owners in scheduler email
RS-4192 New Feature Recipient list printer should support HTML
RS-4196 New Feature Allow to configure jxls2 report streaming parameters: jxls_stream_row_access_window_size, jxls_stream_compress_tmp_files, jxls_stream_use_shared_strings_table
RS-4201 New Feature Upgrade to commons-io-2.7
RS-4214 New Feature Allow dynamic list jxls2 templates to be configured to allow streaming
RS-4222 New Feature Allow to configure dynamic list jxls2 template streaming parameters: jxls_stream_row_access_window_size, jxls_stream_compress_tmp_files, jxls_stream_use_shared_strings_table
RS-4240 New Feature Upgrade to PDF.js Version 2.4.456
RS-4038 Improvement Do not start SFTP server if no keylocation is configured
RS-4050 Improvement Export default message when no parameters/filters/prefilters are available
RS-4076 Improvement Better SQL type description in report deploy analysis
RS-4077 Improvement Better error message when the Mondrian datasource's version does not match the variant
RS-4108 Improvement Add protobuf-java-3.6.1.jar dependency
RS-4128 Improvement Do not allow NULLs in Mondrian datasource's Mondrian 3 field
RS-4134 Improvement Export default messages when no conflicts occur in report deploy analysis
RS-4136 Improvement Use TableDefinition instead of column.javaType and column.size, since these are not always available
RS-4163 Improvement Consolidate Mondrian 3 report translations
RS-4164 Improvement Unify Mondrian 3 and 4 variant configuration protection
RS-4186 Improvement Print VM arguments in license dialog
RS-4199 Improvement Disable HTML export in jxls2 report streaming
RS-4200 Improvement Avoid having the complete result in memory while creating the jxls2 report stream workbook
RS-4203 Improvement Delete unnecessary JQuery version
RS-4223 Improvement Avoid having the complete result in memory while creating the dynamic list jxls2 template stream workbook
RS-4231 Improvement Jxls2 report streaming is not keeping template sheet name for results
RS-4232 Improvement Use the original template sheet for printing results in jxls2 report streaming
RS-4235 Improvement Use the original template sheet for printing results in dynamic list jxls2 template stream
RS-4236 Improvement Dynamic list jxls2 template stream is not keeping template sheet name for results
RS-4241 Improvement Allow logo customization in evaluation version
RS-3367 Bug Grand totals are not showing in Excel Export of Pivot/Saiku reports if multiple grand totals are being exported at the same time
RS-3902 Bug Templates are not sorted when exporting dynamic lists via template
RS-4027 Bug "mv" command is not allowing to use wildcards
RS-4028 Bug "cd" command is not allowing to jump inside a basic report
RS-4029 Bug "mv" command is not checking that target resolves to exactly one location
RS-4030 Bug "cp" command is not allowing to use wildcards
RS-4031 Bug Copying variants per terminal "cp" command is not working
RS-4032 Bug "mv" command should not be able to move variants to a location outside of a basic report
RS-4033 Bug "cp" command is not checking that target resolves to exactly one location
RS-4035 Bug "cp" command should not be able to copy variants to a location outside of a basic report
RS-4052 Bug Pasting computed columns leaves empty computed column type
RS-4055 Bug Grand total headings are not showing in Excel Export of Pivot/Saiku reports
RS-4058 Bug Error in deploy report analysis if the query contains parameters
RS-4059 Bug Default configuration should not export dynamic list parameters by default in the export html comment in PDF/HTML export
RS-4065 Bug Mondrian datasource is displayed twice when a new datasource is created
RS-4066 Bug Saiku report is displayed twice when a new report is created
RS-4067 Bug No cube is displayed when changing datasource from Mondrian 3 to 4
RS-4068 Bug Report dadget cannot read reports in catalog in some cases
RS-4069 Bug Saiku report form is not displayed correctly
RS-4070 Bug Error when changing datasource from Mondrian 4 to 3
RS-4075 Bug Pasting computed columns does not ask for replacement if computed column with same name already exists
RS-4086 Bug Mondrian 3 reports are not being exported correctly in report dadget view
RS-4087 Bug Mondrian 3 reports are not showing export options in report dadget properties
RS-4089 Bug Mondrian 3 PDF export is not working
RS-4090 Bug Mondrian 3 data is not showing correctly in Saiku client in some cases
RS-4091 Bug Mondrian 3 dadget export to charts is not working
RS-4094 Bug Templates are not sorted when editing list of dynamic list templates
RS-4096 Bug redir parameter should not allow to redirect to external websites or execute javascript
RS-4102 Bug Open file leak during startup with translation files
RS-4104 Bug Open file leak while creating translation properties files
RS-4109 Bug Length of hibernate.connection.password should not be shown in the logs
RS-4115 Bug XXEs (XML External Entities) should be disabled in the import functionality
RS-4116 Bug Session ID is not being renewed when a user logs in
RS-4117 Bug pdf.js file parameter should not allow to load external content
RS-4120 Bug "Library Dadget" dialog should only show dadget elements
RS-4125 Bug Logo is not showing correctly on report documentation
RS-4127 Bug MM flag is incorrect
RS-4137 Bug Columns included in variants of right report, but not available in its query, are not being printed in report analysis report's missing column list
RS-4138 Bug Columns included in variants of right report, but not available in its query, are not being printed in report analysis report's conflicting column list
RS-4144 Bug Mondrian 3 is not working together with MSSQL datasources
RS-4146 Bug Mondrian 3 is not mapping DB dialects correctly
RS-4150 Bug BIRT Excel export is not working when the report contains cross tabs
RS-4153 Bug Pivot and Mondrian 4 reports have problems with Mondrian 3 in some cases
RS-4169 Bug Context menu is not showing up in Mondrian 3 reports
RS-4175 Bug Tomcat resource cache is not being able to cache all properties files correctly
RS-4176 Bug Mondrian 3 is being loaded instead of Mondrian 4 in some cases
RS-4195 Bug Jxls2 report output generator is not closing output stream correctly
RS-4221 Bug Dynamic list jxls2 template output generator is not closing output stream correctly
RS-4225 Bug Mondrian 3 / Mondrian 4 reports are sometimes throwing NPE
RS-4229 Bug HSQL connection test is not working
RS-4233 Bug Jxls2 report streaming does not allow more than one sheet containing jxls commands
RS-4234 Bug Jxls2 report streaming is showing hidden columns in result
RS-4237 Bug Dynamic list jxls2 template stream does not allow more than one sheet containing jxls commands
RS-4238 Bug Dynamic list jxls2 template stream is showing hidden columns in result
RS-4250 Bug Pivot reports are showing incorrect export list

New Features, Improvements and Bug Fixes for ReportServer RS3.2.0-6026

RS-4189 New Feature Notify user per email when the user's password was changed by an administrator
RS-4242 Improvement Automatic version file creation
RS-4261 Improvement Delete log files from src automatic generation
RS-4271 Improvement Complete and correct currency locales
RS-4259 Bug Open file leak in APIDOC creation
RS-4262 Bug Currency format is not correct in some cases
RS-4264 Bug Scheduled report filename should not contain ":" character
RS-4269 Bug Position of currency symbol is incorrect in some cases

New Features, Improvements and Bug Fixes for ReportServer RS3.2.0-6027

RS-4277 Bug Notification email should only be sent when password changed