Release Notes for ReportServer 3.7.0

These release notes reflect the changes with respect to ReportServer 3.6.0.

Some Important Features and Noteworthy Improvements for ReportServer RS3.7.0

Support Sending Reports to Email - SMTP Server Datasinks

Email SMTP datasinks allow to send/schedule reports to a given SMTP server. Email - SMTP datasink configuration can be made in the Administration area. Permissions to Email - SMTP datasinks can be given analogously as to other objects in ReportServer.

You can set a default email datasink in the configuration file. This replaces the old file.

Email SMTP datasinks email text configuration is done in the /fileserver/etc/scheduler/ file, available in the Configuration guide.

Note that the old /fileserver/etc/mail/ configuration file is deprecated. You can use email SMTP datasinks together with the default email datasink setting instead.

Email - SMTP datasink configuration is done in the /fileserver/etc/datasinks/ configuration file, available in the Configuration guide.

Support Sending Reports to OAuth-Authenticated Datasinks

OAuth2-authenticated datasinks use, as their name suggest, OAuth2, the industry-standard protocol for authorization.

Before being able to use oauth2-datasinks, you have to create an app in the service needed and authorize file uploads in this app. You can then add your app key and app secret into the respective ReportServer fields and save the datasink.

When this is achieved, you can click the “Datasink OAuth2 Authentication Setup”, which redirects you to the service authorization. Please note that you have to add the “redirect URI” into your app. This redirect URI is shown when clicking the before-mentioned button. The URI should be similar as this: http://localhost/ReportServer/reportserver/oauth. When this is done, after app authorization and automatic redirection, you should be able to use your oauth2-datasinks. For testing your datasink, as with other ReportServer datasinks, you can use the “Test datasink” button.

Support Sending Reports to OneDrive - SharePoint (O365) Datasinks

OneDrive - SharePoint (O365) OAuth2-authorized datasinks allow you to send and/or schedule reports to a given directory in your OneDrive - SharePoint (O365) account. Note that OneDrive for Business is also supported (Office 365), as well as SharePoint O365. Older SharePoint versions are currently not supported.

For getting your “app key” and “secret key”, you have to create an app registration here: (Azure Active Directory - App registrations section) and give it the appropriate API permissions (API permissions section). Specifically, files.readwrite.all is needed. The secret key can be created in the “Certificates and secrets” section. More information on this can be found here: Note that when permissions are changed, it is necessary to create a new “refresh token” with the “Datasink OAuth Authentication Setup” button.

The “base root” path in the datasink definition, together with the “folder” path, determines the base path of the datasink. The default folder/folders are also included, which can be overriden in specific uses of this datasink, analogously to other datasink types.

If needed, you can configure your tenant id, available in your Microsoft account. You can use the default if this is not needed or if you don’t have a custom tenant id.

Support Sending Reports to Dropbox Datasinks

Dropbox OAuth2-authorized datasinks allow you to send and/or schedule reports to a given directory in your Dropbox account. Note that Dropbox for Business is also supported:

The path in the datasink definition determines the base path of the datasink. It also contains a default folder/default folders, which can be overriden in specific uses of this datasink, analogously to other datasink types.

Note that the base path must exist. If the (extension) folder/folders does/do not exist, it/they is/are created. If the report already exists in the same path, it is overwritten. The path should be given like this: /my/path. Note that, different as in other datasinks, ./my/path does not work.

New Features, Improvements and Bug Fixes for ReportServer RS3.7.0-6043

RS-4630 New Feature Support email SMTP datasinks for sending reports via "Send to"
RS-4765 New Feature Add Dropbox datasinks
RS-4778 New Feature Add OneDrive datasinks
RS-4847 New Feature Adapt ldapimport.groovy to be configurable by sso/ configuration file
RS-4925 New Feature Allow to retrieve LDAP guid operational attribute in ldapimport.groovy
RS-4927 New Feature Allow to configure "writeProtection" in ldapimport.groovy
RS-4929 New Feature Allow to configure "includeNamespace" in ldapimport.groovy
RS-4933 New Feature Allow to configure "logResultingTree" in ldapimport.groovy
RS-4937 New Feature Add example script for safely testing LDAP settings: ldaptester.groovy
RS-4945 New Feature Allow to use MailBuilder with email SMTP datasinks
RS-4946 New Feature Allow to send unzipped attachments with MailBuilder
RS-4948 New Feature Alllow to send more than one file per email with MailBuilder
RS-4950 New Feature Allow to schedule reports to email datasinks
RS-4958 New Feature Add OAuth2 button for OAuth-authenticated datasinks
RS-4964 New Feature Display OAuth2 redirect-URL in OAuth-authenticated datasinks
RS-4971 New Feature Allow to specify default email datasink and use it when sending emails
RS-4972 New Feature Add default email datasink button
RS-4973 New Feature Add "default datasink" button for all datasink types
RS-4983 New Feature Allow to use Office-365 accounts in OneDrive datasinks
RS-4984 New Feature Use ScribeJava for authentication url generation
RS-4985 New Feature Allow to upload reports > 4 MB to OneDrive datasinks
RS-4986 New Feature Allow to use OneDrive datasinks with SharePoint O365
RS-4988 New Feature Allow to adapt tenant-id in OneDrive/SharePoint O365 datasinks
RS-4989 New Feature Allow to configure OneDrive - SharePoint O365 base root folder
RS-4990 New Feature Move SCP, Samba - SMB/CIFS, Local Filesystem, Dropbox and OneDrive - SharePoint (O365) datasinks to Enterprise Edition
RS-4934 Improvement Inhibit LDAP-deleted users in ldapimport.groovy instead of trying to delete them
RS-4936 Improvement Only necessary attributes should be retrieved in ldapimport.groovy
RS-4966 Improvement Add scribejava-apis-8.3.1.jar dependency
RS-4967 Improvement Add scribejava-core-8.3.1.jar dependency
RS-4968 Improvement Add scribejava-java8-8.3.1.jar dependency
RS-4979 Improvement Add jasperreports-functions-6.16.0.jar dependency
RS-4981 Improvement Add joda-time-2.9.9.jar dependency
RS-4372 Bug LDAP-deleted users are not being correctly deleted in ldapimport.groovy as they are being moved to the user root folder instead of being deleted. Now these users are getting inhibited.
RS-4782 Bug Excel export is not working in grid reports: NPE
RS-4992 Bug Crystal reports: ClassNotFoundException LogManager
RS-4993 Bug Crystal report error: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process

New Features, Improvements and Bug Fixes for ReportServer RS3.7.0-6044

RS-4995 Bug Some entities are not being created correctly
RS-4996 Bug Some extra libs should be deleted from the output zip file