Release Notes for ReportServer 4.5.0

These release notes reflect the changes with respect to ReportServer RS4.4.0-6084.

Some Important Features and Noteworthy Improvements for ReportServer RS4.5.0

Script cache

In ReportServer 4.5.0, we improved the internal script caching mechanisms. We also added a "clearInternalScriptCache" terminal command for manually clearing the scripting caches. Note that this is available as a service method as well:

You can control scripting cache settings in the cache section of the the scripting/ configuration file. The default file is shown below.

Using classes in nested scripts

When you need to use classes in nested scripts, you cannot use GLOBALS.exec():


With other words, this would not work if B contains a class definition:

def b = new B()

Groovy would try to compile your script, but cannot find B’s class definition during compilation time.

In this case, you can use the new methods GLOBALS.loadClass() and GLOBALS.loadClasses() for loading your class definitions. Using the new method GLOBALS.newInstance() allows you to create instances as shown below. Finally, you can call your instance’s methods, in this example prepareString().

def bClass = GLOBALS.loadClass('B.groovy', '')
def bInstance = GLOBALS.newInstance(bClass)
return bInstance.prepareString()"

Examples can be found here and here.

Allow to disable LDAP

You can now disable LDAP completely if you don't need it. This is done in the configuration file with the "disabled" configuration option.

IMPORTANT: Note that LDAP is disabled by default. If you upgrade your ReportServer and use LDAP, you have to enable it.

The default configuration file is shown below:

Analyzing the LDAP schema

Often it is useful to be able to explore and analyze your LDAP server, e.g. when not all attributes/object classes are known on beforehand. For this purpose, we implemented a new "ldapschema" terminal command and also extended the "ldaptest users", "ldaptest groups" and "ldaptest organizationalUnits" with a "-s" (schema) flag. This allows you to display the object class schema attributes and properties.

While the "-s" flag allows you to explore the installed object class types of your users', OUs' and groups' object classes, the "ldapschema" allows you to explore any object class.

An example is shown below.

Shows the schema of the users' object class:

In the screenshot above we see that the user's class is "inetOrgPerson" and the parent's user's class is "organizationalPerson".

We may explore the "organizationalPerson" object class as shown below.

We may continue exploring the LDAP schemas until the top-most object class: "top":

We may list all object classes available:

We may list also all attributes available:

And analyze the attributes:

Information about the LDAP server can be fetched as follows:

Analyzing the LDAP filter

You can use the "ldapfilter" terminal command for showing the installed LDAP filter in a multi-line form that makes it easier to understand its hierarchy and embedded components. The command also tries to simplify the installed LDAP filter in certain ways (for example, by removing unnecessary levels of hierarchy, like an OR embedded in another OR).

Best-effort LDAP GUID guess

Often, while configuring the LDAP configuration file sso/, the needed GUID is not known on-beforehand. As all LDAP installations may use a different GUID, you normally have to check with your LDAP administrator for the appropriate GUID. ReportServer 4.5.0 adds a best-effort GUID guess with the "ldapguid" terminal command:

The command above shows that the currently installed GUID in sso/ is "objectGUID", which should probably be changed to "entryUUID", as ReportServer found this GUID in your LDAP installation.

Displaying any LDAP attribute value

ReportServer 4.5.0 allows you to request and display any additional LDAP attribute via the "ldaptest" terminal commands' "-a" flag. The additional attributes must be entered in a ;-separated manner.

E.g. in order to display the "mail", "member" and "ou" attribute values of each "ldaptest filter" entry, you can enter the following:

In order to display the "memberOf" attribute value of each "ldaptest users" entry, you can enter the following:

Note that this flag is available in all "ldaptest" subcommands.

Displaying LDAP orphans

Your LDAP filter should return all (and only!) your users, groups and organizational units. If more nodes are returned, or if the mappings in are not correct, nodes are returned that can not be mapped to a user, a group or an organizational unit. These are called LDAP orphans. In a correct installation and configuration, there should not be any LDAP orphans. Thus, you get LDAP orphans when you return "to much" from your LDAP filter. You can easily list all LDAP orphans with the new "ldaptest orphans" terminal command.

Removal of LDAP allowLocalUsers configuration setting

The old "allowLocalUsers" setting was removed as of ReportServer 4.5.0. Instead, you should use colon-separated PAMs in your as explained in the Script Guide (Custom Authenticators PAMs) if you need to allow/disallow local users to log-in.

E.g. the following setting allows only LDAP users:

rs.authenticator.pams =

while the following setting allows both LDAP and local users:

rs.authenticator.pams =

The default configuration file is shown below:

Configurable error logging when report execution fails

ReportServer now logs report detailed information when a report execution fails. Refer to the screenshots below.

The exact information to be logged may be configured in the main/ configuration file. The complete default configuration is shown below.

Add environment information

Some environment information was added in ReportServer 4.5.0, e.g. SSL information, static PAMs, Groovy version, DB Configuration, as you can see in the following screenshot:

"Admin Panel" system console

ReportServer has now a new "Admin Panel" system console which allows easy access to administration functionality as shown in the screenshot below.

New Features, Improvements and Bug Fixes for ReportServer RS4.5.0-6085

RS-6124 New Feature REST: add general-info resource
RS-6140 New Feature REST: Allow apikey authentication analogously to report URL execution authentication
RS-6151 New Feature REST: refactor apikey authentication to use AOP together with RestAuthentication annotation
RS-6152 New Feature REST: Allow RestAuthentication annotation to annotate resource classes
RS-6153 New Feature REST: Provide annotation to bypass REST authentication by individual methods
RS-6163 New Feature Allow to fetch all LDAP nodes that are not users, groups or organizational units with "ldaptest orphans" terminal command
RS-6202 New Feature Allow to show LDAP schema for object classes with "ldapschema objectClassInfo" terminal command
RS-6543 New Feature Allow to output script output in new window with "-w" flag
RS-6570 New Feature Allow to explore LDAP schema for any object class with "ldapschema objectClassInfo" terminal command
RS-6581 New Feature Add nesting classes example: A.groovy, B.groovy, C.groovy
RS-6582 New Feature Allow to create class instances via GLOBALS.createInstance()
RS-6584 New Feature Add nesting multiple classes example: A.groovy, myLibraries.groovy
RS-6585 New Feature Allow to load class files by GLOBALS.loadClass()
RS-6586 New Feature Allow to load multiple classes from same source file using GLOBALS.loadClasses()
RS-6593 New Feature Allow to clear script cache with "clearInternalScriptCache" terminal command
RS-6595 New Feature Allow to configure scripting cache settings in /etc/scripting/ configuration file
RS-6596 New Feature Add service method for clearing script cache:
RS-6606 New Feature Allow to display information of the LDAP server with "ldapinfo" terminal command
RS-6634 New Feature Allow to display indented LDAP filter with "ldapfilter" terminal command
RS-6635 New Feature Add "SSL" information to "env" terminal command
RS-6637 New Feature Add SSL information to "General Info" system console
RS-6646 New Feature Allow to list LDAP object classes with "ldapschema objectClassList" terminal command
RS-6652 New Feature Add original schema definition to "ldapschema" terminal command
RS-6654 New Feature Allow to specify that "ldapfilter" should not try to simplify filter with "-n" flag
RS-6655 New Feature Try to guess the appropriate GUID for the current LDAP server with "ldapguid" terminal command
RS-6656 New Feature Allow to specify number of indentation spaces of "ldapfilter" terminal command
RS-6670 New Feature Allow multi-line LDAP filter
RS-6679 New Feature Try to simplify filter with "ldapfilter" terminal command
RS-6682 New Feature "ldapguid" terminal command should perform a search request containing candidate entries for guessing GUID if not previously guessed
RS-6687 New Feature "ldapschema" terminal command should include inherited attributes in attribute lists
RS-6689 New Feature Support multi-named attributes in "ldapguid" terminal command
RS-6690 New Feature Add subclasses to "ldapschema" terminal command
RS-6691 New Feature Add extensions information to all "ldapschema" terminal commands
RS-6692 New Feature Add "names" and "obsolete" attributes to "schemainfo" terminal command output
RS-6695 New Feature Allow to query attribute schema with "ldapschema attributeInfo" terminal command
RS-6696 New Feature Allow to query all LDAP attributes available with "ldapschema attributeList" terminal command
RS-6697 New Feature Include "used as required attribute" and "used as optional attribute" object class list in "ldapschema attributeInfo" terminal command
RS-6699 New Feature Allow to query available LDAP matching rules with "ldapscheme matchingRuleList" terminal command
RS-6700 New Feature Allow to display available LDAP syntax rules with "ldapschema syntaxRuleList" terminal command
RS-6702 New Feature Allow to display LDAP matching rule info with "ldapschema matchingRuleInfo" terminal command
RS-6703 New Feature Show "used by attributes" in "ldapschema matchingRuleInfo" and "ldapschema syntaxRuleInfo" terminal commands
RS-6704 New Feature Add syntax description to "ldapschema" info terminal comands
RS-6705 New Feature Allow to query syntax rule schema with "ldapschema syntaxRuleInfo" terminal command
RS-6712 New Feature Display LDAP elements containing multiple names
RS-6716 New Feature Allow exporting the complete LDAP schema with "ldapschema entry" terminal command
RS-6728 New Feature Add AuthenticationResult helper methods: denyAccess(), grantAccess(user), dontCareAccess(), cannotAuthenticate(authoritative)
RS-6729 New Feature Add new "Admin Panel" system console
RS-6753 New Feature Add Groovy version to "env" terminal command
RS-6756 New Feature Allow to query any attribute with "ldaptest filter" terminal command via "-a" flag
RS-6757 New Feature Allow to query any attribute with "ldaptest users" terminal command via "-a" flag
RS-6758 New Feature Allow to query any attribute with "ldaptest groups" terminal command via "-a" flag
RS-6759 New Feature Allow to query any attribute with "ldaptest organizationalUnits" terminal command via "-a" flag
RS-6760 New Feature "ldaptest" terminal command should allow list values with the "-a" flag
RS-6761 New Feature Allow to query any attribute with "ldaptest guid" terminal command via "-a" flag
RS-6762 New Feature Add "open terminal session" button to "Admin Panel" system console
RS-6771 New Feature Add DB config information to "General Info" system console
RS-6778 New Feature Add "General Info" system console to CE
RS-6780 New Feature Log report detailed information when report execution throws an exception
RS-6783 New Feature Allow to configure detailed information when report execution throws an exception in configuration file
RS-6785 New Feature Allow to log memory info when report execution throws an exception
RS-6786 New Feature Allow to log general info when report execution throws an exception
RS-6787 New Feature Allow to log report info when report execution throws an exception
RS-6788 New Feature Allow to log executor user info when report execution throws an exception
RS-6791 New Feature Improve memory info output
RS-6792 New Feature Detailed info configuration when report execution throws an exception should be sorted according to the configuration file
RS-6794 New Feature Detailed info configuration when report execution throws an exception should be a JSON string
RS-6795 New Feature Allow to log executor datasource info when report execution throws an exception
RS-6797 New Feature Allow to print more information on failed scheduler executions
RS-6819 New Feature Allow to log db path when report execution throws an exception
RS-6820 New Feature Allow to log JDBC properties when report execution throws an exception
RS-6822 New Feature Fetch metadata of DB configuration
RS-6826 New Feature Allow to disable LDAP
RS-6832 New Feature Allow to log configuration directory when report execution throws an exception
RS-6834 New Feature Add "login as user" button to "Admin Panel" system console
RS-6849 New Feature Add system properties to "env" terminal command
RS-6852 New Feature Add servlet request information to "General Info" system console
RS-6853 New Feature Add servlet request information to error log when report execution throws an exception
RS-6858 New Feature Add system properties to error log when report execution throws an exception
RS-6859 New Feature Add system properties to "General Info" system console
RS-6864 New Feature Add JVM server time info to "env" terminal command
RS-6865 New Feature Add JVM server time info to "General Info" system console
RS-6866 New Feature Add JVM server time info to error logs when report execution throws an exception
RS-6868 New Feature Allow to open terminal session in full screen window
RS-6875 New Feature Allow to maximize terminal window
RS-6879 New Feature Add "Open terminal session in new window" button to "Admin Panel" system console
RS-6892 New Feature Add DatasinkDispatchNotificationHook for datasink dispatch notifications
RS-6149 Improvement REST: return UNAUTHORIZED page instead of throwing exception when user could not be correctly authenticated
RS-6155 Improvement REST: refactor getRequest
RS-6382 Improvement REST: refactor request
RS-6576 Improvement Refactor ldaptest "organisationalUnits" to "organizationalUnits"
RS-6583 Improvement Adapt nesting classes example to not use clazz.newInstance()
RS-6587 Improvement GLOBALS.loadClasses() should parse groovy file only once
RS-6588 Improvement Loading classes by GLOBALS.loadClass() and GLOBALS.loadClasses() should use cache
RS-6600 Improvement Refactor script datasources out of incubator
RS-6601 Improvement Refactor alias command out of incubator
RS-6602 Improvement Refactor clearInternalDb command out of incubator
RS-6609 Improvement Migrate LDAP functionality to use UnboundID LDAP SDK instead of JNDI
RS-6611 Improvement Improve error messages during LDAP command execution
RS-6612 Improvement Replace LDAP JNDI converter with LDAP relative name for removing empty nodes
RS-6620 Improvement Adapt ldapUserVariableProcessorHooker.groovy example to support new LDAP SDK library
RS-6624 Improvement Support LDAPS using the LDAP SDK
RS-6625 Improvement Support StartTLS using LDAP SDK
RS-6628 Improvement remove LDAP includeNamespace setting
RS-6632 Improvement Catch exceptions during login if LDAP password is wrong/empty
RS-6640 Improvement Refactor LdapServiceImpl protected methods to private
RS-6641 Improvement Refactor datasourceMetadata calls
RS-6642 Improvement "objectClassInfo" should be a subcommand of "ldapschema" terminal command
RS-6647 Improvement Sort "ldaptest" results alphabetically
RS-6648 Improvement Sort "ldapschema objectClassInfo" optional/required attributes alphabetically
RS-6649 Improvement Terminal tables should show empty string if value is null instead of skipping value
RS-6657 Improvement Replace multiple spaces for terminal output with   only on client side instead of on both server and client sides
RS-6675 Improvement Replace tabs with 3 spaces on terminal console output
RS-6680 Improvement Refactor TerminalServiceImpl to groovy
RS-6683 Improvement List of candidates should be presented to user if "ldapguid" terminal command did not guess any GUID
RS-6688 Improvement Add element sizes to LDAP "ldapinfo" and "ldapschema" terminal commands
RS-6693 Improvement Improve sorting in "ldapschema" terminal commands
RS-6694 Improvement Upgrade groovy to 4.0.8
RS-6701 Improvement "ldapschema" terminal command "list" subcommands should include number of elements found in their output
RS-6707 Improvement Refactor LdapService to not open second connection when fetching schema
RS-6709 Improvement Include OID in all "ldapschema" list terminal commands
RS-6710 Improvement Refactor LDAP attribute base syntax output
RS-6722 Improvement Better "ldapschema objectClassInfo" attribute headlines
RS-6724 Improvement Add missing ChallengeResponsePAMAuthoritative PAM
RS-6725 Improvement Add static PAM information to "env" terminal command
RS-6726 Improvement Add static PAM configuration to "General Info" system console
RS-6737 Improvement Upgrade groovy-astbuilder to 4.0.8
RS-6738 Improvement Upgrade groovy-cli-picocli to 4.0.8
RS-6739 Improvement Upgrade groovy-datetime to 4.0.8
RS-6740 Improvement Upgrade groovy-dateutil to 4.0.8
RS-6741 Improvement Upgrade groovy-json to 4.0.8
RS-6742 Improvement Upgrade groovy-jsr223 to 4.0.8
RS-6743 Improvement Upgrade groovy-macro to 4.0.8
RS-6744 Improvement Upgrade groovy-nio to 4.0.8
RS-6745 Improvement Upgrade groovy-servlet to 4.0.8
RS-6746 Improvement Upgrade groovy-sql to 4.0.8
RS-6747 Improvement Upgrade groovy-templates to 4.0.8
RS-6748 Improvement Upgrade groovy-xml to 4.0.8
RS-6749 Improvement Upgrade picocli to 4.7.0
RS-6750 Improvement Switch connection pool und live memory icons
RS-6754 Improvement Add Groovy version to "General info" system console
RS-6767 Improvement Add SSL und Groovy information to logs during startup
RS-6770 Improvement Add DB config information to "env" terminal command
RS-6773 Improvement "ldaptest groups" terminal commands should count the group members
RS-6775 Improvement "ldaptest" terminal commands should count number of objects if result is a list
RS-6779 Improvement Better messages for permission UI quick assign: "select all" and "deselect all"
RS-6784 Improvement Catch JXLS POI exceptions
RS-6790 Improvement Memory values should be fetched from GeneralInfoService
RS-6798 Improvement Handle invalid properties in configuration file
RS-6808 Improvement Add JDBC properties to "info datasource" terminal command
RS-6809 Improvement Add JDBC properties to datasource information window
RS-6810 Improvement Add JDBC properties to "env" terminal command
RS-6811 Improvement Add internal-db JDBC properties to "General Info" system console
RS-6814 Improvement Add general information to "info datasource" terminal command
RS-6815 Improvement Allow to use all datasource types in "info datasource" terminal command
RS-6816 Improvement Add internal datasource path to "env" terminal command
RS-6817 Improvement Add internal db path to "General Info" system console
RS-6824 Improvement Add "configuration directory" to "env" terminal command
RS-6827 Improvement Better error handling when db connection throws an error in "General Info" system console, "env" terminal command and error log
RS-6831 Improvement Add "configuration directory" to "General Info" system console
RS-6833 Improvement Upgrade mariadb-java-client to 3.1.2
RS-6835 Improvement Better null error handing when report execution throws an exception
RS-6836 Improvement Refactor datasource database properties when report execution throws an exception
RS-6839 Improvement Configurable properties should be printed in lower case when report execution throws an exception
RS-6844 Improvement Add SFTP server properties to "env" terminal command and "General Info" system console
RS-6847 Improvement Add servlet request information to "env" terminal command
RS-6854 Improvement Complete missing datasource properties translations
RS-6855 Improvement Upgrade mysql-connector-j to 8.0.32
RS-6856 Improvement Add some environment info to startup logs
RS-6857 Improvement ReportExecutorException exceptions should be logged
RS-6860 Improvement Add log files directory to "env" terminal command
RS-6862 Improvement Add log files directory to error log when report execution throws an exception
RS-6863 Improvement Add log files directory to "General info" system console
RS-6867 Improvement Check logs directory path accessibility
RS-6869 Improvement Add known_hosts info to "env" terminal command
RS-6870 Improvement Add known_hosts info to "General Info" system console
RS-6871 Improvement Add known_hosts info to error log when report execution throws an exception
RS-6893 Improvement Refactor datasinks
RS-6895 Improvement Upgrade liquibase-core to 4.19.0
RS-6200 Bug System console is not showing up if URL contains path
RS-6578 Bug Field selection in pivot reports is not working correctly
RS-6579 Bug AddChild method is not working if child is Hibernate proxy
RS-6599 Bug LDAP Import is not allowing to update nodes if objects found are Hibernate proxies
RS-6604 Bug "editTextFile --help" and "createTextFile --help" is not working
RS-6605 Bug "clearInternalDbCache --help" is not working
RS-6614 Bug "ldaptest organizationalunits" is not showing correct parent names
RS-6623 Bug LDAP authentication is not working with the LDAP SDK
RS-6627 Bug LdapPAMAuthoritative is not working
RS-6630 Bug Colon-separated PAMs are not working correctly
RS-6653 Bug LDAP getStringAttribute is throwing error if field is blank
RS-6684 Bug "ldaptest" terminal command is not showing correct results
RS-6685 Bug "ldapschema" terminal command is not showing correct results
RS-6686 Bug "ldapschema" terminal command is not showing required and optional attributes as sorted string lists
RS-6717 Bug "ldapschema attributeInfo" is showing empty sub-attribute list
RS-6720 Bug "ldapinfo" terminal command is throwing error
RS-6723 Bug LdapPAM is throwing error if used together with other PAMs
RS-6763 Bug "ldaptest" terminal commands are throwing an error if their values in "" configuration file are repeated
RS-6765 Bug "ldaptest" terminal commands are showing incorrect results if the standard attributes are repeated in "-a" flag
RS-6837 Bug Copying column properties is not copying the column widths
RS-6838 Bug NPE when executing report without datasource instead of proper error message
RS-6851 Bug Update script does not work in Oracle if column datatype is being changed while data in column
RS-6885 Bug Report catalog is not finding reports in TeamSpaces

New Features, Improvements and Bug Fixes for ReportServer RS4.5.0-6086

RS-6899 Bug Script datasinks are not calling the datasink dispatched notifier hook
RS-6904 Bug Demo data is not installing on startup if specified in

New Features, Improvements and Bug Fixes for ReportServer RS4.5.0-6087

RS-6935 Improvement Trim spaces in "copyTableContents" terminal command display result
RS-7004 Improvement Upgrade groovy to 4.0.9
RS-7005 Improvement Upgrade groovy-astbuilder to 4.0.9
RS-7006 Improvement Upgrade groovy-cli-picocli to 4.0.9
RS-7007 Improvement Upgrade groovy-datetime to 4.0.9
RS-7008 Improvement Upgrade groovy-dateutil to 4.0.9
RS-7009 Improvement Upgrade groovy-json to 4.0.9
RS-7010 Improvement Upgrade groovy-jsr223 to 4.0.9
RS-7011 Improvement Upgrade groovy-macro to 4.0.9
RS-7012 Improvement Upgrade groovy-nio to 4.0.9
RS-7014 Improvement Upgrade groovy-servlet to 4.0.9
RS-7015 Improvement Upgrade groovy-sql to 4.0.9
RS-7016 Improvement Upgrade groovy-templates to 4.0.9
RS-7017 Improvement Upgrade groovy-xml to 4.0.9
RS-7018 Improvement Upgrade postgresql to 42.5.4
RS-7019 Improvement Upgrade lucene-core to 9.5.0
RS-7020 Improvement Upgrade lucene-analysis-common to 9.5.0
RS-7021 Improvement Upgrade lucene-queries to 9.5.0
RS-7022 Improvement Upgrade lucene-queryparser to 9.5.0
RS-7023 Improvement Upgrade lucene-sandbox to 9.5.0
RS-7024 Improvement Upgrade commons-fileupload to 1.5
RS-7025 Improvement Upgrade sqlite-jdbc to
RS-7026 Improvement Upgrade hibernate-core to 5.6.15.Final
RS-7027 Improvement Upgrade hibernate-c3p0 to 5.6.15.Final
RS-7028 Improvement Upgrade hibernate-entitymanager to 5.6.15.Final
RS-7029 Improvement Upgrade hibernate-envers-5.6.15 to Final
RS-7030 Improvement Upgrade jcifs to 2.1.33
RS-6929 Bug Inconsistent display of selected items in multiselect listbox
RS-6934 Bug Metadata methods are not using the connection's catalog
RS-6936 Bug CopyTableHelper is not using locale independent toUpperCase()
RS-6983 Bug JXLS Template in DEMO system has to be upgraded to JXLS2 syntax
RS-6999 Bug Mapping of SMALLINT and TINYINT is incorrect in JXLS dynamic bean generation
RS-7001 Bug SMALLINT is not recognized as Integer in some cases
RS-7031 Bug Datasource parameter containing special characters is not being selected
RS-7035 Bug Datasource parameter default value containing special characters is not being selected

New Features, Improvements and Bug Fixes for ReportServer RS4.5.0-6088

RS-7170 Improvement Upgrade jasperreports to 6.20.1
RS-7171 Improvement Upgrade groovy to 4.0.11
RS-7178 Improvement Upgrade postgresql to 42.6.0
RS-7184 Improvement Upgrade groovy-astbuilder to 4.0.11
RS-7185 Improvement Upgrade groovy-cli-picocli to 4.0.11
RS-7186 Improvement Upgrade groovy-datetime to 4.0.11
RS-7187 Improvement Upgrade groovy-dateutil to 4.0.11
RS-7188 Improvement Upgrade groovy-json to 4.0.11
RS-7189 Improvement Upgrade groovy-jsr223 to 4.0.11
RS-7190 Improvement Upgrade groovy-macro to 4.0.11
RS-7191 Improvement Upgrade groovy-nio to 4.0.11
RS-7192 Improvement Upgrade groovy-servlet to 4.0.11
RS-7193 Improvement Upgrade groovy-sql to 4.0.11
RS-7194 Improvement Upgrade groovy-templates to 4.0.11
RS-7195 Improvement Upgrade groovy-xml to 4.0.11
RS-7196 Improvement Upgrade picocli to 4.7.1
RS-7201 Improvement Remove unnecessary itext-2.1.7.js10.jar dependency
RS-7202 Improvement Add openpdf-1.3.30.jaspersoft.1.jar dependency
RS-7204 Improvement Upgrade jasperreports-fonts to 6.20.1
RS-7205 Improvement Upgrade jasperreports-functions to 6.20.1
RS-7206 Improvement Upgrade checker-qual to 3.31.0
RS-7207 Improvement Upgrade unboundid-ldapsdk to 6.0.8
RS-7209 Improvement Upgrade sqlite-jdbc to
RS-7210 Improvement Upgrade mariadb-java-client to 3.1.3
RS-7211 Improvement Upgrade jcifs to 2.1.34
RS-7212 Improvement Upgrade liquibase-core to 4.20.0
RS-7223 Improvement Upgrade commons-compress to 1.23.0
RS-7096 Bug Column format window height is not correct for some types
RS-7134 Bug Incorrect FlushMode type
RS-7141 Bug Some commands are not handling exceptions correctly
RS-7179 Bug Table datasink translations are missing
RS-7216 Bug Schema version is not showing correctly if it saved as a CLOB
RS-7228 Bug BIRT file upload error message is not being correctly displayed when trying to upload incorrect file extension

New Features, Improvements and Bug Fixes for ReportServer RS4.5.0-6089

RS-7300 Improvement Upgrade JQuery to 3.7.0
RS-7389 Improvement "Groovy version" spanish translation should be improved
RS-7393 Improvement Upgrade groovy to 4.0.12
RS-7394 Improvement Upgrade groovy-astbuilder to 4.0.12
RS-7395 Improvement Upgrade groovy-cli-picocli to 4.0.12
RS-7396 Improvement Upgrade groovy-datetime to 4.0.12
RS-7397 Improvement Upgrade groovy-dateutil to 4.0.12
RS-7398 Improvement Upgrade groovy-json to 4.0.12
RS-7399 Improvement Upgrade groovy-jsr223 to 4.0.12
RS-7400 Improvement Upgrade groovy-macro to 4.0.12
RS-7401 Improvement Upgrade groovy-nio to 4.0.12
RS-7402 Improvement Upgrade groovy-servlet to 4.0.12
RS-7403 Improvement Upgrade groovy-sql to 4.0.12
RS-7404 Improvement Upgrade groovy-templates to 4.0.12
RS-7405 Improvement Upgrade groovy-xml to 4.0.12
RS-7406 Improvement Upgrade picocli to 4.7.3
RS-7407 Improvement Upgrade jasperreports to 6.20.5
RS-7409 Improvement Upgrade jasperreports-fonts to 6.20.5
RS-7410 Improvement Upgrade jasperreports-functions to 6.20.5
RS-7411 Improvement Upgrade openpdf to 1.3.30.jaspersoft.2
RS-7412 Improvement Upgrade mysql-connector-j to 8.0.33
RS-7414 Improvement Upgrade mariadb-java-client to 3.1.4
RS-7416 Improvement Upgrade lucene-core to 9.6.0
RS-7417 Improvement Upgrade lucene-analysis-common to 9.6.0
RS-7418 Improvement Upgrade lucene-queries to 9.6.0
RS-7419 Improvement Upgrade lucene-queryparser to 9.6.0
RS-7420 Improvement Upgrade lucene-sandbox to 9.6.0
RS-7421 Improvement Upgrade sshd-core to 2.10.0
RS-7422 Improvement Upgrade sshd-sftp to 2.10.0
RS-7423 Improvement Upgrade sshd-common to 2.10.0
RS-7424 Improvement Upgrade commons-configuration2 to 2.9.0
RS-7425 Improvement Upgrade commons-io to 2.12.0
RS-7427 Improvement Upgrade liquibase-core to 4.22.0
RS-7428 Improvement Upgrade log4j-core to 2.20.0
RS-7429 Improvement Upgrade log4j-api to 2.20.0
RS-7430 Improvement Upgrade pdf.js to 3.6.172
RS-7281 Bug Printer datasink categories are not showing correctly in global search results
RS-7282 Bug Script datasink categories are not showing correctly in global search results
RS-7283 Bug Table datasink categories are not showing correctly in global search results
RS-7329 Bug REST: invalid or missing user should return 401 response code, not 500
RS-7330 Bug Missing timestamp in email datasink test

New Features, Improvements and Bug Fixes for ReportServer RS4.5.0-6093

RS-7532 Improvement Upgrade sqlite-jdbc to
RS-7439 Bug "pkg list" terminal command is not working
RS-7485 Bug PAMHook is missing pam list in "beforeStaticPamConfig" method
RS-7491 Bug LDAP getGuid() method is using non-existing "sr" property
RS-7528 Bug Terminal cursor is not showing up in the correct position while scrolling history up and down
RS-7531 Bug Jasper plain Excel export is not working

New Features, Improvements and Bug Fixes for ReportServer RS4.5.0-6095

RS-7586 Improvement Upgrade groovy to 4.0.13
RS-7587 Improvement Upgrade groovy-astbuilder to 4.0.13
RS-7588 Improvement Upgrade groovy-cli-picocli to 4.0.13
RS-7589 Improvement Upgrade groovy-datetime to 4.0.13
RS-7590 Improvement Upgrade groovy-dateutil to 4.0.13
RS-7591 Improvement Upgrade groovy-json to 4.0.13
RS-7592 Improvement Upgrade groovy-jsr223 to 4.0.13
RS-7593 Improvement Upgrade groovy-macro to 4.0.13
RS-7594 Improvement Upgrade groovy-nio to 4.0.13
RS-7595 Improvement Upgrade groovy-servlet to 4.0.13
RS-7596 Improvement Upgrade groovy-sql to 4.0.13
RS-7597 Improvement Upgrade groovy-templates to 4.0.13
RS-7598 Improvement Upgrade groovy-templates to 4.0.13
RS-7599 Improvement Upgrade groovy-xml to 4.0.13
RS-7600 Improvement Upgrade picocli to 4.7.4
RS-7601 Improvement Upgrade h2 to 2.2.220
RS-7603 Improvement Upgrade guava to 32.1.1-jre
RS-7605 Improvement Upgrade checker-qual to 3.33.0
RS-7606 Improvement Upgrade error_prone_annotations to 2.18.0
RS-7607 Improvement Upgrade j2objc-annotations to 2.8
RS-7608 Improvement Upgrade bcprov-jdk18on to 1.75
RS-7609 Improvement Upgrade bcmail-jdk18on to 1.75
RS-7610 Improvement Upgrade bcpg-jdk18on to 1.75
RS-7611 Improvement Upgrade bcpkix-jdk18on to 1.75
RS-7612 Improvement Upgrade bcutil-jdk18on to 1.75
RS-7614 Improvement Upgrade commons-io to 2.13.0
RS-7615 Improvement Upgrade lucene-core to 9.7.0
RS-7616 Improvement Upgrade lucene-analysis-common to 9.7.0
RS-7617 Improvement Upgrade lucene-queries to 9.7.0
RS-7618 Improvement Upgrade lucene-queryparser to 9.7.0
RS-7619 Improvement Upgrade lucene-sandbox to 9.7.0
RS-7620 Improvement Upgrade hsqldb to 2.7.2
RS-7621 Improvement Upgrade liquibase-core to 4.23.0
RS-7624 Improvement Upgrade jcifs to 2.1.35
RS-7537 Bug Oracle BINARY_DOUBLE data type is not working
RS-7563 Bug Oracle: pagination is shifted by one record
RS-7575 Bug Oracle BINARY_FLOAT data type is not working
RS-7576 Bug MSSQL DateTimeOffset has no name mappings and its type mappings are incomplete
RS-7579 Bug "Execute" button's pagination is incorrect in first page
RS-7580 Bug MSSQL: pagination is shifted by one record
RS-7582 Bug DB2: pagination is shifted by one record

New Features, Improvements and Bug Fixes for ReportServer RS4.5.0-6097

RS-7625 Improvement Adapt ExposeToClient annotation to allow disabling ampersand encode
RS-7626 Improvement Upgrade mysql-connector-j to 8.1.0
RS-7627 Improvement Upgrade unboundid-ldapsdk to 6.0.9
RS-7628 Improvement Improve error message when trying to export CSV/script datasource data into table datasinks
RS-7653 Improvement Upgrade liquibase-core to 4.23.1
RS-7654 Improvement Downgrade bcprov-jdk18on to 1.74
RS-7655 Improvement Downgrade bcmail-jdk18on to 1.74
RS-7656 Improvement Downgrade bcpg-jdk18on to 1.74
RS-7657 Improvement Downgrade bcpkix-jdk18on to 1.74
RS-7658 Improvement Downgrade bcutil-jdk18on to 1.74
RS-7659 Improvement Upgrade jcifs to 2.1.36
RS-7669 Improvement Upgrade groovy to 4.0.15
RS-7670 Improvement Upgrade groovy-astbuilder to 4.0.15
RS-7671 Improvement Upgrade groovy-cli-picocli to 4.0.15
RS-7672 Improvement Upgrade groovy-datetime to 4.0.15
RS-7673 Improvement Upgrade groovy-dateutil to 4.0.15
RS-7674 Improvement Upgrade groovy-json to 4.0.15
RS-7675 Improvement Upgrade groovy-jsr223 to 4.0.15
RS-7676 Improvement Upgrade groovy-macro to 4.0.15
RS-7677 Improvement Upgrade groovy-nio to 4.0.15
RS-7678 Improvement Upgrade groovy-servlet to 4.0.15
RS-7679 Improvement Upgrade groovy-sql to 4.0.15
RS-7680 Improvement Upgrade groovy-templates to 4.0.15
RS-7681 Improvement Upgrade groovy-xml to 4.0.15
RS-7688 Improvement Upgrade mariadb-java-client to 3.2.0
RS-7689 Improvement Upgrade h2 to 2.2.224
RS-7701 Improvement Upgrade picocli to 4.7.5
RS-7702 Improvement Upgrade commons-compress to 1.24.0
RS-7704 Improvement Upgrade batik-anim to 1.17
RS-7705 Improvement Upgrade batik-awt-util to 1.17
RS-7706 Improvement Upgrade batik-bridge to 1.17
RS-7707 Improvement Upgrade batik-constants to 1.17
RS-7708 Improvement Upgrade batik-css to 1.17
RS-7710 Improvement Upgrade batik-dom to 1.17
RS-7711 Improvement Upgrade batik-ext to 1.17
RS-7712 Improvement Upgrade batik-gvt to 1.17
RS-7714 Improvement Upgrade batik-i18n to 1.17
RS-7715 Improvement Upgrade batik-parser to 1.17
RS-7716 Improvement Upgrade batik-script to 1.17
RS-7717 Improvement Upgrade batik-shared-resources to 1.17
RS-7718 Improvement Upgrade batik-svg-dom to 1.17
RS-7719 Improvement Upgrade batik-svggen to 1.17
RS-7720 Improvement Upgrade batik-transcoder to 1.17
RS-7721 Improvement Upgrade batik-util to 1.17
RS-7722 Improvement Upgrade batik-xml to 1.17
RS-7723 Improvement Upgrade fop to 2.9
RS-7724 Improvement Upgrade fop-core to 2.9
RS-7725 Improvement Upgrade fop-events to 2.9
RS-7726 Improvement Upgrade fop-util to 2.9
RS-7727 Improvement Upgrade xmlgraphics-commons to 2.9
RS-7728 Improvement Upgrade batik-extension to 1.17
RS-7729 Improvement Upgrade jasperreports to 6.20.6
RS-7730 Improvement Upgrade jasperreports-fonts to 6.20.6
RS-7731 Improvement Upgrade jasperreports-functions to 6.20.6
RS-7732 Improvement Upgrade openpdf to 1.3.30.jaspersoft.3
RS-7581 Bug "Runtime of statement" of dynamic list preview is not being estimated correctly
RS-7622 Bug URL dadgets with multiple parameters are not working
RS-7630 Bug Table datasink: NPE if primary keys are empty
RS-7634 Bug Excel export column width is incorrect if nothing specified in column configuration
RS-7649 Bug LDAP printTree() method is using non-existing "group" property
RS-7651 Bug Custom SendToHook is not showing up when creating scheduler jobs from within the scheduler panel
RS-7663 Bug lockoutthreshold configuration in is not working
RS-7667 Bug lockoutthreshold is not counting incorrect login attempts correctly
RS-7682 Bug Missing translations in TeamSpace file upload
RS-7692 Bug Cube measures group does not have correct label
RS-7693 Bug Datasink dispatch is not working if filename contains invalid character
RS-7694 Bug Samba - SMB/CIFS datasinks are throwing SecurityException
RS-7696 Bug Datasink info is not printing correctly in error message when datasink dispatch fails

New Features, Improvements and Bug Fixes for ReportServer RS4.5.0-6099

RS-7778 Improvement Open report exports in new browser tabs
RS-7788 Improvement Upgrade mysql-connector-j to 8.2.0
RS-7733 Bug Sorting by job name in scheduler list is not working
RS-7763 Bug JXLS template export is not working if column contain uppercase letters
RS-7777 Bug Reports in report tree are not being found in TeamSpace import
RS-7779 Bug Users are shown as temporarily blocked without being blocked
RS-7782 Bug BSI password policy not loading correctly with "config reload" terminal command
RS-7783 Bug Sorting by role in TeamSpace-Management is not working
RS-7785 Bug Sorting by executor in scheduler administration is not working
RS-7786 Bug Sorting by "scheduled by" in scheduler administration is not working