Release Notes for ReportServer 4.6.3

These release notes reflect the changes with respect to ReportServer RS4.6.2.

Tomcat configuration

Note that ReportServer needs the following configuration, especially the "add-opens" flags, as explained in the Ubuntu installation guide and in the Windows installation guide.


Improvements and Bug Fixes for ReportServer RS4.6.3

RS-8124 Improvement Upgrade mysql-connector to j-8.3.0
RS-8167 Improvement Mark as insecure
RS-8168 Improvement Upgrade groovy to 4.0.20
RS-8171 Improvement Upgrade groovy-astbuilder to 4.0.20
RS-8172 Improvement Upgrade groovy-cli-picocli to 4.0.20
RS-8173 Improvement Upgrade groovy-datetime to 4.0.20
RS-8174 Improvement Upgrade groovy-dateutil to 4.0.20
RS-8175 Improvement Upgrade groovy-json to 4.0.20
RS-8176 Improvement Upgrade groovy-jsr223 to 4.0.20
RS-8177 Improvement Upgrade groovy-macro to 4.0.20
RS-8178 Improvement Upgrade groovy-nio to 4.0.20
RS-8179 Improvement Upgrade groovy-servlet to 4.0.20
RS-8180 Improvement Upgrade groovy-sql to 4.0.20
RS-8181 Improvement Upgrade groovy-templates to 4.0.20
RS-8182 Improvement Upgrade groovy-xml to 4.0.20
RS-8183 Improvement Upgrade jQuery to 3.7.1
RS-8184 Improvement Upgrade jxls to 2.0.14
RS-8188 Improvement Upgrade logback-classic to 1.3.14
RS-8189 Improvement Upgrade jxls-poi to 2.14.0
RS-8190 Improvement Upgrade sshd-common to 2.12.1
RS-8192 Improvement Upgrade sshd-core to 2.12.1
RS-8193 Improvement Upgrade sshd-sftp to 2.12.1
RS-8194 Improvement Upgrade commons-cli to 1.6.0
RS-8195 Improvement Upgrade commons-codec to 1.16.1
RS-8196 Improvement Upgrade commons-compress to 1.26.1
RS-8200 Improvement Upgrade logback-core to 1.3.14
RS-8201 Improvement Upgrade jcl-over-slf4j to 2.0.12
RS-8202 Improvement Upgrade jul-to-slf4j to 2.0.12
RS-8203 Improvement Upgrade log4j-over-slf4j to 2.0.12
RS-8204 Improvement Upgrade osgi-over-slf4j to 2.0.12
RS-8205 Improvement Upgrade slf4j-api to 2.0.12
RS-8206 Improvement Upgrade slf4j-jdk14 to 2.0.12
RS-8208 Improvement Upgrade commons-io to 2.15.1
RS-8209 Improvement Upgrade commons-lang3 to 3.14.0
RS-8210 Improvement Upgrade commons-text to 1.11.0
RS-8211 Improvement Upgrade commons-net to 3.10.0
RS-8216 Improvement Upgrade jackson-core to 2.15.3
RS-8217 Improvement Upgrade jackson-annotations to 2.15.3
RS-8218 Improvement Upgrade jackson-databind to 2.15.3
RS-8219 Improvement Upgrade jackson-module-jaxb-annotations to 2.15.3
RS-8220 Improvement Upgrade jasperreports to 6.21.2
RS-8222 Improvement Upgrade jasperreports-fonts to 6.21.2
RS-8223 Improvement Upgrade jasperreports-functions to 6.21.2
RS-8224 Improvement Upgrade openpdf to 1.3.32
RS-8225 Improvement Upgrade liquibase-core to 4.26.0
RS-8227 Improvement Upgrade opencsv to 5.9
RS-8228 Improvement Upgrade log4j-core to 2.23.1
RS-8229 Improvement Upgrade log4j-api to 2.23.1
RS-8230 Improvement Upgrade mariadb-java-client to 3.3.3
RS-8231 Improvement Upgrade postgresql to 42.7.3
RS-8232 Improvement Upgrade sqlite-jdbc to
RS-8233 Improvement Upgrade jcifs to 2.1.37
RS-8235 Improvement Upgrade unboundid-ldapsdk to 7.0.0
RS-8236 Improvement Upgrade guava to 33.1.0-jre
RS-8237 Improvement Upgrade checker-qual to 3.42.0
RS-8238 Improvement Upgrade error_prone_annotations to 2.26.1
RS-8239 Improvement Upgrade failureaccess to 1.0.2
RS-8241 Improvement Upgrade jsch to 0.2.17
RS-8242 Improvement Upgrade lucene-core to 9.10.0
RS-8243 Improvement Upgrade lucene-analysis-common to 9.10.0
RS-8244 Improvement Upgrade lucene-queries to 9.10.0
RS-8245 Improvement Upgrade lucene-queryparser to 9.10.0
RS-8246 Improvement Upgrade lucene-sandbox to 9.10.0
RS-8256 Improvement Add osgi.enterprise-6.0.0.jar dependency
RS-8289 Improvement Remove demo datasink passwords from demo data
RS-8324 Improvement Upgrade j2objc-annotations to 3.0.0
RS-7894 Bug Scheduler admin view can not filter jobs by job id
RS-7956 Bug "Clear password" button is not clearing the correct field in some datasinks
RS-7980 Bug "test remote server" button is not being translated
RS-7985 Bug Grid editors don't recognize deletion of referenced scripts
RS-8035 Bug Change gwt thirdparty imports to guava imports
RS-8070 Bug Adding parameters to query with "add parameter" button is not working for datasource parameters if query field is not being focused on after adding the parameters
RS-8087 Bug Pivot report error when exporting to Excel in some situations: "Merged region A1 must contain 2 or more cells"
RS-8118 Bug Email - SMTP server datasinks are not working if is not configured correctly
RS-8119 Bug Import: selected TeamSpace is not being remembered in import options
RS-8126 Bug Email - SMTP server datasink "force sender" option is not working for scheduled reports
RS-8127 Bug Forcing sender in Email - SMTP server datasinks is not working
RS-8152 Bug Import: "import options" are not being reset after resetting configuration
RS-8158 Bug Template list of dynamic list is not being displayed correctly after deletion of all other templates in the list
RS-8166 Bug JXLS reports are not throwing exception if query contains syntax errors
RS-8248 Bug Sporadic error: TeamSpace folder not found on scheduling reports
RS-8255 Bug BIRT report execution is not working after library upgrades
RS-8260 Bug The default remote server generic permissions are not assigned to the Administrators group
RS-8278 Bug Some properties can not be printed in the report error log
RS-8293 Bug Teamspace: Report details tab is throwing NoSuchMethodError
RS-8297 Bug createDefaultRoles.groovy contains the wrong package for RemoteServerManagerAdminViewSecurityTarget