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Chapter 7. Script Datasinks
7. Script Datasinks
Script datasinks are your swiss army knife when it comes to sending your reports/your data to custom locations or when you need any logic or any additional files. Basically, you can use script datasinks to send your reports/your data to virtually any location you may need.
When defining a script datasource, you have the following variables available to use:
data | contains the report or the data. Depending on the type of the data, this may be a String or a byte array. Note you can always use ReportService.createInputStream(Object) for creating an InputStream out of the data object. |
report | the same as the ''data'' variable above. Recommended is to use data, report is included for consistency. |
script | the FileServerFile containing the script of the datasink. You can use script.data for accessing the data in the script, or script.contentType for its content-type, or script.name for its name. Refer to the FileServerFile javadocs for a complete overview. |
user | the User executing the script datasink. |
datasinkConfiguration | the datasink configuration object which contains the selected filename of the report/the data. This may be accessed with datasinkConfiguration.filename. |
An example script datasink is shown below. It creates a ZIP containing the report/the data, adds the groovy script to the ZIP and sends this per email to a given user list.
The script is available here: https://github.com/infofabrik/reportserver-samples/blob/main/src/net/datenwerke/rs/samples/tools/datasinks/scriptDatasinkPerEmail.groovy.
import net.datenwerke.rs.core.service.mail.MailBuilderFactory
import net.datenwerke.rs.core.service.mail.MailService
import net.datenwerke.security.service.usermanager.UserManagerService
import net.datenwerke.rs.utils.misc.MimeUtils
import net.datenwerke.rs.core.service.mail.SimpleAttachment
import java.nio.file.Paths
import java.time.LocalDateTime
def mailBuilder = GLOBALS.getInstance(MailBuilderFactory)
def mailService = GLOBALS.getInstance(MailService)
def userService = GLOBALS.getInstance(UserManagerService)
def mimeUtils = GLOBALS.getInstance(MimeUtils)
// the user ids. They have to exist and the ids are passed as long (L)
def to = [123L]
def subject = 'Script datasink'
def content = "ReportServer script datasink ${LocalDateTime.now()}"
// name of the zip
def attachmentFilename = 'data.zip'
def attachments = [
new SimpleAttachment(data, // you can also use report
// add the script
new SimpleAttachment(script.data, script.contentType, script.name)
def mail = mailBuilder.create(
to.collect{userId -> userService.getNodeById(userId)})
mailService.sendMail mail