These release notes reflect the changes with respect to ReportServer 3.7.1.
Note that as of ReportServer 4.0.0, Java 11 JRE or later is required.
Note that as of ReportServer 4.0.0, legacy JXLS1 is not further supported.
The following important libraries are upgraded in ReportServer 4.0.0:
These libraries basically manage and control the ReportServer's metadata database and its connection pools.
Numerous other libraries were upgraded. Refer to the release notes table below for details.
As of ReportServer 4.0.0 you can use the new "ldapimport" terminal command together with the sso/ configuration file in order to manually import LDAP users. For scheduling the functionality periodically, you can use the script found here and schedule it via "scheduleScript".
Note that encryption is also supported. Both StartTLS (recommended) and SSL (LDAPS) are supported.
Details on configuration options are available in the Configuration Guide. The default sso/ file is shown below.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
ReportServer Configuration File
filename: sso/
Configures LDAP
Allowed values are: none/starttls/ssl
Recommended is starttls.
You can request additional attributes including them here as:
Google Drive OAuth2-authorized datasinks allow you to send and/or schedule reports to a given directory in your Google Drive account.
For getting your "app key" and "secret key", you have to create an app registration here (Google API Console) and give it the appropriate API permissions.
The "base root" path in the datasink definition, together with the "folder" path, determines the base path of the datasink. The default folder/folders are also included, which can be overriden in specific uses of this datasink, analogously to other datasink types.
Note that the base path must exist. If the (extension) folder/folders does/do not exist, it/they is/are created. If the report already exists in the same path, it is overwritten.
More information on this can be found here.
The path should be entered like this: "/my/path". Note that, different as in other datasinks, "./my/path" does not work.
Google Drive OAuth2-authorized datasinks allow you to send and/or schedule reports to a given directory in your Amazon S3 bucket.
You can create an access and a secret key as described here (Amazon S3 access keys) and give it the appropriate API permissions. Further, the unique bucket name and region must be entered into the datasink definition.
If the report already exists in the same path, it is overwritten.
More information can be found here
Box OAuth2-authorized datasinks allow you to send and/or schedule reports to a given directory in your Box account.
For getting your "app key" and "secret key", you have to create an app registration here (Box Developer Console) and give it the appropriate API permissions.
The "base root" path in the datasink definition, together with the "folder" path, determines the base path of the datasink. The default folder/folders are also included, which can be overriden in specific uses of this datasink, analogously to other datasink types.
Note that the base path must exist. If the (extension) folder/folders does/do not exist, it/they is/are created. If the report already exists in the same path, it is overwritten.
More information on this can be found here.
The path should be entered like this: "/my/path". Note that, different as in other datasinks, "./my/path" does not work.
As of ReportServer 4.0.0, you can create a live graph of the connection pool including the following:
You can find and control the graph in the System Consoles section analogously as the "JVM Live Memory" system console. An example output is shown below.
You can also use the new "connPoolStats" terminal command for a static snapshot of the current connection state as shown in the following screenshot
Note that the location of "ConfigService" changed, so your scripts using ConfigService must be adapted for them to work.
The old location was:
The new location is:
Default configuration files are created on first run of ReportServer. Later, when upgrading ReportServer to a newer version, it is probable that newly added configuration files are missing (i.e. all configuration files added between the version originally installed and the version upgraded to).
In order to find out which configuration files are missing without having to search all release notes between these versions, "showmissing" allows you to compare the current set of configuration files with the expected set of configuration files of the currently installed version. Then it shows all missing files.
With help of "createmissing", you can create the default missing configuration files found with "showmissing" into the appropriate location inside your /fileserver/etc path.
For copying all default missing configuration files into a given folder you can use "createall". This allows you to compare configuration file contents/fields, etc.
You can see examples below:
As of ReportServer 4.0.0, copying the contents of a table to another table is supported database-independently, i.e. the tables may reside in different database types. E.g. you may copy the contents of a table from a MSSQL database to a table in an Oracle database. All datasource types supported by ReportServer are supported.
The destination table must exist and must contain the same fields as the source table. Their field types must be compatible.
Refer to the following example:
copyTableContents id:DatabaseDatasource:58 RS_SCHEMAINFO id:DatabaseDatasource:60 myschemainfo entity_id false 200
The example copies the contents of the RS_SCHEMAINFO table of your internal datasource with id 58 into a table with name “myschemainfo” in the datasource with id 60.
Again, note this is database-independent. In the example above the datasource with id 58 is a MSSQL datasource, while the datasource with id 60 is an Oracle datasource.
The command prints some information for you to be able to see what is happening in the background. In the example above the information printed is:
Refer to the Admin Guide for more information on how to use this command.
Dynamic list previews can now be browsed as shown in the following screenshot.
Reports may now be compressed before being sent to any datasink. Please refer to the following screenshots:
Prints environment information of the current installation including relevant environment variables.
You can now use the "id" terminal command for printing including user information.
This includes group information and organizational unit information of a user. Group information includes direct and indirect groups (via another groups or via organizational units).
As an example refer to the following screenshot
We added a new entry "report_configuration" which contains the configuration parameters, filters and prefilters. The data is saved in unformatted JSON format. A formatted example with some test parameters (OrderNumber), filters and prefilters is shown below.
Note that this audit log entry is available for all report values.
Also, note you can print all these values into your dynamic list Excel, HTML and PDF export documents as well via report properties.
"Foon Yue"
If needed, the "lost password" can be disabled in the /fileserver/etc/security/ as shown below:
Below you can find the complete /fileserver/etc/security/ configuration file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
RS-4812 | New Feature | Add Google Drive datasinks |
RS-4940 | New Feature | Allow to import users via new "ldapimport" terminal command |
RS-4953 | New Feature | Add Amazon S3 datasinks |
RS-4962 | New Feature | Add Box datasinks |
RS-5051 | New Feature | Allow to print connection pool statistics with a new "connPoolStats" terminal command |
RS-5055 | New Feature | Show missing configuration files in current installation with help of "diffconfigfiles showmissing" terminal command |
RS-5089 | New Feature | Add "env" terminal command for showing environmental variables |
RS-5090 | New Feature | Allow to compress report in the send-to button of all datasinks |
RS-5091 | New Feature | Allow to compress report in all datasinks via scheduling |
RS-5092 | New Feature | Add connection pool system console |
RS-5108 | New Feature | Allow to create missing configuration files in current installation with help of "diffconfigfiles createmissing" terminal command |
RS-5109 | New Feature | Allow to create all default configuration files into a specified directory with help of "diffconfigfiles createall" terminal command |
RS-5122 | New Feature | Add "id username" terminal command for showing information of a given user |
RS-5125 | New Feature | Amazon s3 datasinks: allow user to select storage class |
RS-5126 | New Feature | Add "next" and "previous" buttons to the dynamic list row preview window |
RS-5127 | New Feature | Add "first" and "last" buttons to the dynamic list row preview |
RS-5188 | New Feature | Allow to directly send files from the virtual filesystem to the datasinks |
RS-5189 | New Feature | Allow to send directories from the virtual filesystem to the datasinks |
RS-5191 | New Feature | Add user information to UI (right click on user - information) |
RS-5201 | New Feature | Allow to disable the "Lost Password" feature |
RS-5205 | New Feature | Allow to directly send files and directories from the virtual filesystem to the email datasink |
RS-5222 | New Feature | Connection pool console: visualize total number of connections |
RS-5224 | New Feature | Connection pool console: visualize number of busy connections |
RS-5225 | New Feature | Connection pool console: visualize max pool size |
RS-5226 | New Feature | Connection pool console: visualize threads awaiting connections and unclosed orphaned connections |
RS-5238 | New Feature | Allow to compress file before sending it to a given datasink |
RS-5251 | New Feature | Add example script for demonstrating excel to csv transformation: excel2csv.groovy |
RS-5263 | New Feature | Allow to configure write protection in "ldapimport" terminal command |
RS-5264 | New Feature | Allow to configure "include namespace" in "ldapimport" terminal command |
RS-5265 | New Feature | Allow to configure "log resulting tree" in "ldapimport" terminal command |
RS-5307 | New Feature | LdapService should support SSL (LDAPS) |
RS-5308 | New Feature | LdapService should support StartTLS |
RS-5329 | New Feature | Add "report_configuration" record to audit logs containing all configuration parameters |
RS-5330 | New Feature | Add filters to "report_configuration" record in audit logs |
RS-5331 | New Feature | Add prefilters to "report_configuration" record in audit logs |
RS-5360 | New Feature | Add JXLS reports to demo data |
RS-5363 | New Feature | Add grid editor report to demo data |
RS-5381 | New Feature | Add sample SSL connection tester sslTest.groovy |
RS-5385 | New Feature | Add LdapNodePostProcessHook for processing LDAP-imported nodes |
RS-5386 | New Feature | Add ldapUserVariableProcessorHooker.groovy example to set user variables after LDAP import |
RS-5393 | New Feature | Add SearchResultAllowerHook for allowing to filter search results |
RS-5394 | New Feature | Add AdditionalFieldsIndexerHook for allowing to index object additional fields |
RS-5395 | New Feature | Add JXLS grouping example |
RS-5397 | New Feature | Allow "ldapimport" to retrieve additional LDAP attributes |
RS-5406 | New Feature | Allow to copy table contents database-independently with help of the "copyTableContents" terminal command |
RS-5407 | New Feature | Add example script to copy table contents: copyTableContents.groovy |
RS-5418 | New Feature | Add group information to "id" terminal command and user information window |
RS-5419 | New Feature | Add OU information to "id" terminal command and user information window |
RS-5422 | New Feature | Allow terminal commands with 3 levels |
RS-5433 | New Feature | Support JXLS collapsible groups |
RS-5434 | New Feature | Add JXLS collapsible grouping example |
RS-5438 | New Feature | Add demo datasinks to demo data |
RS-4695 | Improvement | Include datasource ID and name in ConnectionPoolConfig |
RS-4757 | Improvement | Disable schedule button for base Saiku reports as these cannot be executed |
RS-4912 | Improvement | Add JXLS template examples to Github |
RS-4961 | Improvement | Correct folder path in datasinks if trailing "/" is not entered |
RS-5046 | Improvement | Global search result categories should be sorted alphabetically |
RS-5057 | Improvement | Improve italian translations |
RS-5062 | Improvement | Remove unnecessary derbyclient.jar dependency |
RS-5063 | Improvement | Datasource list on connPoolStat terminal command should be sorted alphabetically |
RS-5064 | Improvement | Upgrade c3p0 to |
RS-5065 | Improvement | Upgrade mchange-commons-java to 0.2.20 |
RS-5066 | Improvement | Upgrade groovy to 3.0.9 |
RS-5067 | Improvement | Upgrade groovy-astbuilder to 3.0.9 |
RS-5068 | Improvement | Upgrade groovy-cli-picocli to 3.0.9 |
RS-5069 | Improvement | Upgrade groovy-console to 3.0.9 |
RS-5070 | Improvement | Upgrade groovy-datetime to 3.0.9 |
RS-5071 | Improvement | Upgrade groovy-json to 3.0.9 |
RS-5072 | Improvement | Upgrade groovy-jsr223 to 3.0.9 |
RS-5073 | Improvement | Upgrade groovy-macro to 3.0.9 |
RS-5074 | Improvement | Upgrade groovy-nio to 3.0.9 |
RS-5075 | Improvement | Upgrade groovy-servlet to 3.0.9 |
RS-5076 | Improvement | Upgrade groovy-sql to 3.0.9 |
RS-5077 | Improvement | Upgrade groovy-templates to 3.0.9 |
RS-5078 | Improvement | Upgrade groovy-xml to 3.0.9 |
RS-5079 | Improvement | Upgrade jasperreports to 6.18.0 |
RS-5080 | Improvement | Upgrade jasperreports-fonts to 6.18.0 |
RS-5081 | Improvement | Upgrade jasperreports-functions to 6.18.0 |
RS-5082 | Improvement | Upgrade jackson-annotations to 2.12.2 |
RS-5083 | Improvement | Upgrade jackson-core to 2.12.2 |
RS-5084 | Improvement | Upgrade jackson-databind to 2.12.2 |
RS-5085 | Improvement | Upgrade guava to 31.0.1-jre |
RS-5086 | Improvement | Upgrade checker-qual to 3.12.0 |
RS-5087 | Improvement | Upgrade error_prone_annotations to 2.7.1 |
RS-5094 | Improvement | Remove old jasper code necessary for groovy 3 support in versions older than 6.17.0 |
RS-5099 | Improvement | Upgrade commons-compress to 1.21 |
RS-5102 | Improvement | Upgrade itext to 2.1.7.js9 |
RS-5104 | Improvement | Upgrade commons-io to 2.11.0 |
RS-5106 | Improvement | Upgrade commons-configuration to 2.7 |
RS-5112 | Improvement | Add commons-text-1.9.jar dependency |
RS-5114 | Improvement | Upgrade requestfactory-server to 2.8.2 |
RS-5116 | Improvement | Upgrade bcprov-jdk15on to 1.70 |
RS-5118 | Improvement | Upgrade bcmail-jdk15on to 1.70 |
RS-5119 | Improvement | Upgrade bcpg-jdk15on to 1.70 |
RS-5120 | Improvement | Upgrade bcpkix-jdk15on to 1.70 |
RS-5123 | Improvement | Add bcutil-jdk15on-1.70.jar dependency |
RS-5131 | Improvement | Add byte-buddy-1.11.20 dependency |
RS-5132 | Improvement | Upgrade classmate to 1.5.1 |
RS-5133 | Improvement | Upgrade dom4j to 2.1.3 |
RS-5134 | Improvement | Add FastInfoset-1.2.15.jar dependency |
RS-5135 | Improvement | Upgrade hibernate-c3p0 to 5.6.3.Final |
RS-5136 | Improvement | Upgrade hibernate-commons-annotations to 5.1.2.Final |
RS-5137 | Improvement | Upgrade hibernate-core to 5.6.3.Final |
RS-5138 | Improvement | Upgrade hibernate-entitymanager to 5.6.3.Final |
RS-5140 | Improvement | Upgrade hibernate-envers to 5.6.3.Final |
RS-5141 | Improvement | Upgrade hibernate-jpa to 2.1-api-1.0.2.Final |
RS-5142 | Improvement | Upgrade hibernate-validator to 6.2.1.Final |
RS-5143 | Improvement | Add istack-commons-runtime-3.0.7.jar dependency |
RS-5144 | Improvement | Add jakarta.validation-api-2.0.2.jar dependency |
RS-5145 | Improvement | Upgrade jandex to 2.2.3.Final |
RS-5146 | Improvement | Add jakarta.activation-1.2.1 dependency |
RS-5147 | Improvement | Add jakarta.persistence-api-2.2.1.jar dependency |
RS-5148 | Improvement | Remove unnecessary activation-1.1.1.jar dependency |
RS-5149 | Improvement | Remove unnecessary validation-api-1.1.0.Final dependency |
RS-5150 | Improvement | Upgrade jaxb-api to 2.3.1 |
RS-5151 | Improvement | Remove unnecessary jaxb-impl-2.2.5.jar dependency |
RS-5152 | Improvement | Add jaxb-runtime-2.3.1.jar dependency |
RS-5153 | Improvement | Upgrade jboss-logging to 3.4.2.Final |
RS-5154 | Improvement | Add jboss-transaction-api_1.2_spec-1.1.1.Final.jar dependency |
RS-5155 | Improvement | Add stax-ex-1.8.jar dependency |
RS-5156 | Improvement | Add txw2-2.3.1.jar dependency |
RS-5158 | Improvement | Remove unnecessary javassist-3.19.0-GA.jar dependency |
RS-5159 | Improvement | Remove unnecessary javax.mail-1.6.2.jar dependency |
RS-5160 | Improvement | Add jakarta.mail-1.6.7.jar dependency |
RS-5161 | Improvement | Upgrade liquibase-core to 4.7.0 |
RS-5162 | Improvement | Upgrade mysql-connector-java to 8.0.28 |
RS-5163 | Improvement | Upgrade postgresql to 42.3.1 |
RS-5166 | Improvement | Upgrade mariadb-java-client to 2.7.4 |
RS-5169 | Improvement | Upgrade commons-vfs2 to 2.9.0 |
RS-5170 | Improvement | Upgrade lucene-core to 8.11.1 |
RS-5172 | Improvement | Upgrade lucene-analyzers-common to 8.11.1 |
RS-5173 | Improvement | Upgrade lucene-queries to 8.11.1 |
RS-5174 | Improvement | Upgrade lucene-queryparser to 8.11.1 |
RS-5175 | Improvement | Upgrade lucene-sandbox to 8.11.1 |
RS-5176 | Improvement | Upgrade sshd-core to 2.8.0 |
RS-5177 | Improvement | Upgrade sshd-common to 2.8.0 |
RS-5178 | Improvement | Upgrade sshd-sftp to 2.8.0 |
RS-5179 | Improvement | Upgrade jcl-over-slf4j to 1.7.32 |
RS-5180 | Improvement | Upgrade jul-to-slf4j to 1.7.32 |
RS-5181 | Improvement | Upgrade slf4j-api to 1.7.32 |
RS-5182 | Improvement | Upgrade slf4j-ext to 1.7.32 |
RS-5183 | Improvement | Upgrade slf4j-jdk14 to 1.7.32 |
RS-5184 | Improvement | Upgrade flying-saucer-core to 9.1.22 |
RS-5185 | Improvement | Upgrade flying-saucer-pdf to 9.1.22 |
RS-5192 | Improvement | Refactor datasinks |
RS-5195 | Improvement | diffconfigfiles command should check file server permissions explicitly |
RS-5203 | Improvement | Set consistent datasink order via hook priority |
RS-5204 | Improvement | "Send file to datasink" should hide entries for disabled datasinks |
RS-5209 | Improvement | Improve system console graph colors |
RS-5211 | Improvement | Connection pool console: datasources dropbox should be shown in configuration form |
RS-5212 | Improvement | Connection pool console: show only datasources for which the user has read permissions |
RS-5215 | Improvement | Connection pool console: "refresh datasources" button should be shown next to datasources dropdown list |
RS-5216 | Improvement | Connection pool console: graph should be cleared when switching datasources |
RS-5217 | Improvement | Connection pool console: additional info should not be editable |
RS-5219 | Improvement | Connection pool system console: better axes labels |
RS-5220 | Improvement | Translate memory console axes |
RS-5230 | Improvement | "Lost password": temporary password should be valid for 10 minutes instead of 1 hour |
RS-5234 | Improvement | "diffconfigfiles createall" should allow nested subdirectory paths |
RS-5235 | Improvement | "diffconfigfiles createall" should allow relative paths |
RS-5241 | Improvement | Folder and filenames should be checked for null in all datasinks |
RS-5243 | Improvement | Refactor ConfigService to |
RS-5246 | Improvement | Login menu should not show submenu arrow if it is empty |
RS-5249 | Improvement | Add groovy-dateutil-3.0.9.jar dependency |
RS-5250 | Improvement | Add more try-with-resources examples to tryWithResources.groovy sample script |
RS-5272 | Improvement | Allow to check individual methods for Enterprise |
RS-5276 | Improvement | Upgrade log4j-over-slf4j to 1.7.32 |
RS-5277 | Improvement | Indicate that SCP datasinks allow only absolute destination paths |
RS-5278 | Improvement | Upgrade logback-core to 1.2.10 |
RS-5280 | Improvement | Upgrade logback-classic to 1.2.10 |
RS-5282 | Improvement | Upgrade jcifs to 2.1.28 |
RS-5283 | Improvement | Upgrade jxls to 2.11.0 |
RS-5284 | Improvement | Upgrade jxls-poi to 2.11.0 |
RS-5285 | Improvement | Upgrade commons-cli to 1.5.0 |
RS-5286 | Improvement | Upgrade h2 to 2.0.210 |
RS-5287 | Improvement | Remove unnecessary jakarta-regexp-1.4.jar dependency |
RS-5291 | Improvement | Remove unnecessary guice-jndi-4.2.3.jar dependency |
RS-5293 | Improvement | Remove unnecessary icu4j-54.1.1.jar dependency |
RS-5294 | Improvement | Remove calls to icu4j-54.1.1 dependency |
RS-5305 | Improvement | Priorities for datasinks should be refactored |
RS-5309 | Improvement | Separate LDAP protocol from host in configuration file |
RS-5314 | Improvement | Upgrade hsqldb to 2.6.1 |
RS-5316 | Improvement | Remove unnecessary xml-resolver-1.2.jar dependency |
RS-5320 | Improvement | Upgrade xercesImpl to 2.12.1 |
RS-5321 | Improvement | Upgrade xom to 1.3.7 |
RS-5322 | Improvement | Remove legacy jxls1 support |
RS-5323 | Improvement | Upgrade Saxon-HE to 10.6 |
RS-5324 | Improvement | Add XSLT template examples to Github |
RS-5326 | Improvement | "xslt" terminal command should set content-type of result to "text/xml" |
RS-5327 | Improvement | Remove unnecessary relaxngDatatype-20020414.jar dependency |
RS-5332 | Improvement | Refactor excel/html/pdf filter and prefilter output to use FilterService |
RS-5333 | Improvement | Remove unnecessary json-20090211.jar dependency |
RS-5334 | Improvement | Audit log "report_configuration" should be printed in JSON format |
RS-5335 | Improvement | Improve dynamic list record preview word wrap |
RS-5336 | Improvement | Use jackson for json parsing |
RS-5338 | Improvement | Client config should use XML instead of JSON |
RS-5340 | Improvement | Refactor report UI send-to to use file UI send-to |
RS-5341 | Improvement | Refactor file send-to-datasink window to use a new DatasinkSendToFormConfiguratorHook |
RS-5342 | Improvement | Refactor datasink texts, icons and types |
RS-5343 | Improvement | Remove all unnecessary imports |
RS-5344 | Improvement | Prefilter output in excel/html/pdf export should always contain case sensitive information as in filter output |
RS-5345 | Improvement | Prefilter output in excel/html/pdf export should always contain null handling information as in filter output |
RS-5347 | Improvement | Remove deprecated hibernate calls from integrity validator |
RS-5348 | Improvement | Remove unnecessary jxls-1.0.6 dependency |
RS-5352 | Improvement | Format all sources |
RS-5354 | Improvement | Upgrade CodeMirror to 5.65.0 |
RS-5355 | Improvement | Replace URL demo dadget with jasper report dadget |
RS-5356 | Improvement | Remove unnecessary d3 dependency |
RS-5357 | Improvement | Remove unnecessary pacman dependency |
RS-5362 | Improvement | Remove unnecessary leaflet dependency |
RS-5364 | Improvement | Remove calls to jstz dependency |
RS-5365 | Improvement | Remove unnecessary jstz dependency |
RS-5366 | Improvement | Upgrade pdf.js to 2.12.313 |
RS-5369 | Improvement | Remove calls to old jackson-1.9.13 library |
RS-5370 | Improvement | Remove unnecessary jackson-core-asl-1.9.13.jar dependency |
RS-5371 | Improvement | Remove unnecessary jackson-jaxrs-1.9.13 dependency |
RS-5372 | Improvement | Remove unnecessary jackson-mapper-asl-1.9.13.jar dependency |
RS-5373 | Improvement | Remove unnecessary jackson-xc-1.9.13.jar dependency |
RS-5374 | Improvement | Add jackson-jaxrs-base-2.12.2.jar dependency |
RS-5375 | Improvement | Add jackson-jaxrs-json-provider-2.12.2.jar dependency |
RS-5376 | Improvement | Add jackson-module-jaxb-annotations-2.12.2.jar dependency |
RS-5377 | Improvement | Add jakarta.xml.bind-api-2.3.2.jar dependency |
RS-5396 | Improvement | Let the Lucene library choose the best index Directory for the current platform instead of using the old fixed deprecated RAMDirectory |
RS-5405 | Improvement | "copyTableContents" terminal command should set field type explicitly to avoid errors with NULL values |
RS-5420 | Improvement | Upgrade demo data to support H2 database version 2 |
RS-5424 | Improvement | Configure missing datasink types for global search |
RS-5428 | Improvement | Distinguish variants and base reports in global search results |
RS-5437 | Improvement | Allow autocomplete in terminal commands with 3 levels |
RS-4583 | Bug | Line breaks are not showing correctly in HTML email |
RS-5186 | Bug | zip terminal command is not working correctly |
RS-5187 | Bug | Fileserver download button is not working correctly with "unnamed" or empty files |
RS-5193 | Bug | "compressed" field is not being correctly set in the scheduler dialog when editing existing scheduler jobs |
RS-5196 | Bug | DB Deadlock when creating many objects sequentially in MSSQL |
RS-5197 | Bug | should be set to false |
RS-5198 | Bug | "diffconfigfiles showmissing" terminal command is creating duplicated configuration files |
RS-5200 | Bug | comments are causing errors |
RS-5206 | Bug | "Send file to datasink" is not showing errors to the user if these occur |
RS-5214 | Bug | DTOs cannot be created correctly after library upgrade |
RS-5228 | Bug | Amazon s3 datasinks: errors are not being shown correctly to the user in some cases |
RS-5229 | Bug | "compressed" field in datasink scheduling should not be "not null" |
RS-5231 | Bug | "diffconfigfiles createall" terminal command should not create "bin" or "resources" folders |
RS-5232 | Bug | FileServerService.getNodeByPath() is not working correctly in some cases |
RS-5233 | Bug | "diffconfigfiles createall" terminal command should not remove /tmp if it already exists |
RS-5236 | Bug | "mkdir" terminal command is throwing NPE when trying to create directory in root |
RS-5237 | Bug | GeneralInfoService is needed in CE but class cannot be found |
RS-5239 | Bug | Context menu in file datasink export is not working correctly |
RS-5244 | Bug | SFTP and FTPS datasinks are not beeing disabled correctly in context menus |
RS-5248 | Bug | Terminal window is not showing new spaces and text wrapping correctly in some cases |
RS-5260 | Bug | Error messages in CE version after EE trial expires: "Tried to access enterprise method without valid license" |
RS-5270 | Bug | Terminal commands are not working correctly after EE evaluation period ends |
RS-5271 | Bug | SCP datasinks are not showing error response in some cases |
RS-5281 | Bug | jul-to-slf4j and slf4j-jdk14 are not loading correctly |
RS-5298 | Bug | Permissions are not being checked in all datasinks correctly |
RS-5299 | Bug | Sending files from the virtual filesystem to the FTPS/SFTP datasinks is not working correctly |
RS-5300 | Bug | "compressed" checkbox should not be shown in directories from the virtual filesystem before sending them to the datasinks as they are always compressed |
RS-5301 | Bug | Sending files from virtual filesystem to the datasinks is not working if filename does not contain ending |
RS-5302 | Bug | "ldapimport" terminal command is not working in some cases |
RS-5306 | Bug | "ldapimport" terminal command is not showing exceptions correctly |
RS-5311 | Bug | OAuth2-based datasinks are not showing error stack correctly in case of errors |
RS-5346 | Bug | Exception is thrown in some cases while performing maintainance |
RS-5353 | Bug | Variant test is not working |
RS-5361 | Bug | Saiku reports are throwing exception 'module java.base does not "opens jdk.internal.reflect" to unnamed module' in some cases |
RS-5392 | Bug | Global search "object type" header is not showing correctly |
RS-5411 | Bug | Object resolver is not working if current location is located inside file server |
RS-5423 | Bug | Class cast exception in some cases of global search |
RS-5425 | Bug | Objects should be unproxied before they are shown in global search results to avoid duplicate categories |
RS-5430 | Bug | TableReportIntegrityValidator is throwing "clazz_" related exception in some cases |
RS-5446 | Bug | Clicking in "locate" terminal command results it not displaying result correctly in some cases |
RS-5479 | Improvement | Remove unnecessary preStartCheck |
RS-5505 | Improvement | Add icu4j-58.2.jar dependency |
RS-4424 | Bug | Multiselect datasource parameters chained together/dependent are not showing saved values correctly |