You may configure the exact detailed information your ReportServer should log in case of report execution failure. This detailed information can be set in the main/ configuration file.
The results are printed in a JSON string for easy result analysis. Note that the order of the properties is preserved in the result's JSON string.
Per default, ReportServer logs the following information:
error | a description of the root error causing the failure |
report_id | the ID of the report |
report_name | the name of the report |
base_report_id | the ID of the base report (in case of variants) |
base_report_name | the name of the base report (in case of variants) |
executing_user_id | the ID of the user trying to execute the report |
report_output_format | the output format of the report (e.g. HTML, PDF, etc) |
report_uuid | the UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) of the report |
Available are the properties discussed below.
The following properties allow you to print information of the root error.
error | a description of the root error causing the failure |
The following properties allow you to print information of the report which is failing.
report_id | the ID of the report |
report_name | the name of the report |
report_key | the key of the report |
report_type | the type of the report, e.g. TableReportVariant, JasperReport, etc |
base_report_id | the ID of the base report (in case of variants) |
base_report_name | the name of the base report (in case of variants) |
base_report_key | the key of the base report (in case of variants) |
base_report_type | the type of the base report (in case of variants), e.g. TableReportVariant, JasperReport, etc |
report_output_format | the output format of the report (e.g. HTML, PDF, etc) |
report_uuid | the UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) of the report |
The following properties allow you to print information of the user trying to execute the report which is failing.
executing_user_id | the ID of the user trying to execute the report |
executing_user_username | the username of the user trying to execute the report |
executing_user_firstname | the first name of the user trying to execute the report |
executing_user_lastname | the last name of the user trying to execute the report |
The following properties allow you to print information of the failing report's datasource.
datasource_id | the ID of the report's datasource |
datasource_name | the name of the report's datasource |
datasource_path | the path of the report's datasource in the fileserver file system |
datasource_type | the type of the report's datasource, e.g. DatabaseDatasource, ScriptDatasource, etc |
In addition to the properties above, you can use the following for DatabaseDatasources (i.e. for relational databases).
datasource_database_query | the report's datasource query. Note that the query is printed exactly as entered into the datasource's ''query'' field, i.e. no parameter replacement is shown in the output. |
datasource_database_information | general information of the report's datasource. This information includes the following:
datasource_database_jdbc_properties | the JDBC properties of the report's datasource. |
The following properties allow you to print general information of your ReportServer's installation. Basically, this is the same information you may find in your ''General Info'' system console.
java_version | your exact Java version |
java_home | environment variable pointing to the your Java installation directory |
java_vm_arguments | the Java Virtual Machine arguments |
application_server | your application server, e.g. ''Apache Tomcat/9.0.68'' |
catalina_home | the root of your application server installation, for example ''/home/tomcat/apache-tomcat-9.0.10'' or ''C:/Program Files/apache-tomcat-9.0.10'' |
catalina_home | the root of a runtime configuration of a specific application server instance |
log_files_directory | path to the directory where the log files are located |
rest_url | the REST access point |
request_url | the complete request URL |
request_scheme | the name of the scheme used to make the request, for example, ''http'', ''https'' |
request_server_name | the host name of the server to which the request was sent |
request_server_port | the port number to which the request was sent |
request_context_path | the portion of the request URI that indicates the context of the request. The context path always comes first in a request URI. The path starts with a ''/'' character but does not end with a ''/'' character. For servlets in the default (root) context, this method returns ''''. |
request_protocol | the name and version of the protocol the request uses in the form protocol/majorVersion.minorVersion, for example, ''HTTP/1.1'' |
config_directory | path to your configured external configuration directory |
os_version | your operation system, e.g. ''Windows Server 2022'' |
reportserver_version | your ReportServer's complete version |
locale | your current ReportServer's locale |
jvm_locale | the locale of your Java Virtual Machine |
jvm_user_language | the language of your Java Virtual Machine user, e.g. ''de'' |
jvm_user_country | the country of your Java Virtual Machine user, e.g. ''DE'' |
jvm_user_timezone | the timezone of your Java Virtual Machine user, e.g. ''Europe/Berlin'' |
jvm_file_encoding | the file encoding of your Java Virtual Machine user, e.g. ''UTF-8'' |
known_hosts_file | path to your configured known_hosts file |
supported_ssl_protocols | the supported SSL protocols for the current SSL context |
default_ssl_protocols | the default SSL protocols for the current SSL context |
enabled_ssl_protocols | the enabled SSL protocols for the current SSL context |
groovy_version | your exact Groovy version |
active_pams | a list of your installed active PAMs (Pluggable Authentication Modules) |
The following properties allow you to print information of the current memory settings during the report's execution failure. This is basically the same information your meminfo terminal command prints.
memory_used | your current memory usage |
memory_free | the amount of free memory in the Java Virtual Machine |
memory_total | the total amount of memory in the Java Virtual Machine. The value returned by this method may vary over time, depending on the host environment. |
memory_max | the maximum amount of memory that the Java virtual machine will attempt to use. |