Reporting is a highly dynamic field. Data need to be consolidated, prepared and evaluated at increasingly shorter intervals. Due to the communication overhead, these dynamics can, however, only be met to a limited extent with the typical approach in reporting where a report is first specified by the specialist department and then implemented by the IT department. ReportServer is designed to get the responsibility just as well as the opportunities to create new, relevant information to the greatest possible extent back to whom it concerns and where it is needed, but also where the knowledge about how to generate data is available: To the specialists respectively to the ultimate user.
ReportServer first distinguishes between (base) reports and variants. Base reports are comparable to a shell. They define the basic data structure and, depending on the format, the design how to present these data. In addition, they provide the users with the options that enable them to adapt this data basis to their requirements. Depending on the report format, various options are here available. However, variants represent reports which are fully configured by the user.They include the necessary settings to execute the report or the schedule it. Users can save their configurations---the variants---to assure prompt access to their data.
All report types supported by ReportServer have in common that they are configurable by setting the so-called parameters. For instance, a parameter may be a simple text field where the user can enter an invoice number, or a date range to limit a time span. The parameters applicable for a report are invariably specified by the report designer/administrator.The users can select from the parameter values and save them as a variant. Depending on the report type, the ultimate user is given additional options to control the output of the report. We will discuss them more closely in the following depiction of the single report types. Naturally, you will find a detailed description in the user manual. The ultimate goal is to empower the users to gather the data required for their task independently.
Of course, it must be ensured to document the reports in an audit-proof manner if they can be adjusted by a user after a possible acceptance in the data warehouse. ReportServer here supports you in two ways. First, ReportServer automatically creates detailed documentation for each report/variant outlining all user defined settings. Then, history objects will be created for any changes to objects. They enable to trace the type and time of a modification executed on an object.
As with users and datasources, ReportServer manages reports in a hierarchical tree structure. You will find it in the Administration modules under Report management. Report management exclusively provides the administrative management of reports. By using TeamSpaces the users may create their own view to report objects released to them. For further information on TeamSpaces refer to the User manual.
As you are used to you may structure objects in folders. Apart from folders, there will be one object per report type as well as variant objects. Variant objects will not be created in the tree itself but automatically by ReportServer as soon as a user creates a new variant for a report. ReportServer provides you with the following report types:
The dynamic list shifts the major part of report logics to the ultimate user who can compile the data relevant for it individually. Here users can draw from simple filters and complex aggregations up to computed fields. In this respect, the dynamic list can be regarded as ad-hoc reporting. The user may, of course, save all settings in a variant. The dynamic list is designed to be highly performant when dealing with large data volumes. The dynamic list outputs data primarily as a table which can be exported to Microsoft Excel just as well as to PDF, HTML or CSV. In addition, by using templates data can directly be uploaded to pre-defined Excel spreadsheets, or transferred to any XML dialects. We will look at the dynamic list from the administrator's viewpoint in section The Dynamic List. The description of the dynamic list from the user's viewpoint will be given in the User manual. The dynamic list is discussed in detail in Section 7.2.
The dynamic list supplies data in raw format, and therefore it is ideally suited for daily control. To generate graphically sophisticated analyses, ReportServer supports reports in the JasperReports and Eclipse BIRT report formats. These popular and open libraries enable to create reports with elaborate graphics. We often refer to these as graphical reports. In addition to the open formats BIRT and Jasper, ReportServer also provides support for the commercial SAP Crystal Reports engine which similarly allows you to create pixel perfect reporting.
JasperReports Library ( designed by JasperSoft is a powerful report engine to generate graphical reports. Reports are defined in an XML dialect which will be translated to Java Source Code for report execution. Apart from the function to directly generate XML sources, JasperSoft provides the report designer IReports. It helps to create reports in the style of WYSIWYG applications (what you see is what you get). Jas- perReports are particularly suited to output reports in the PDF format (e.g. for pixel precise printing). However, Jasper reports can be provided in other formats such as HTML or RTF. JasperReports are discussed in detail in Section 7.4.
Eclipse BIRT ( is the second open report engine next to JasperReports. Actuate ( takes the lead in further developing Eclipse BIRT which offers functionalities comparable to JasperReports. BIRT is based on the Eclipse platform ( and includes a comprehensive designer for visualizing reports. Just as well as with JasperReports, Eclipse BIRT defines reports in an own XML dialect which transfers to an executable Java Code at report runtime. The primary output format for BIRT reports is PDF as well. BIRT is discussed in detail in Section 7.5.
Crystal Reports is a commercial reporting engine developed by SAP AG ( and hence not directly part of ReportServer. ReportServer, however, comes with everything you need to run reports generated with Crystal Reports given that you have a Crystal license allowing you to use SAP Crystal Reports for Java runtime components (or short, the Java Reporting Component JRC). Similarly to Jasper and Birt the primary output format of Crystal reports is PDF.
With every new release of ReportServer, the libraries in use will also be updated so that normally the latest JasperReports and Eclipse BIRT versions will be integrated. The current versions are given in the license documentation which is part of the download package. As JasperReports are designed as a simple library, you can easily exchange it yourself by a current or an older version. To do this, copy the corresponding .jar files to the ReportServer lib directory. Further information on this you will also find in the ReportServer Configuration guide. Unfortunately, Eclipse BIRT is not as easy to handle in this respect because it requires multiple libraries in specific versions. Therefore, we advise you not to upgrade the BIRT engine on your own without any support.
Saiku reports allow you to access Mondrian datasources (see Section 4.25.). The user interface is provided by Saiku ( who created beautiful OLAP UI that we adopted in ReportServer. Saiku reports are the preferred way if you want to access multi-dimensional data that is organized with Mondrian.
JXLS ( is a template engine for Microsoft Excel. ReportServer allows to use JXLS templates, for example, with dynamic lists such that users can directly insert their data in a predefined Excel sheet (for further information have a look at the ReportServer User guide). Besides being available as a template engine for ReportServer's dynamic list, JXLS is also available as a first class report object. In this form it provides further reporting capabilities, as you can directly use SQL queries within your Excel templates. Note that JXLS2 is supported in ReportServer. The legacy JXLS1 is not supported.
Beside the dynamic list there is another native ReportServer report type, the script report. Script reports are written in Groovy and offer full Java VM flexibility and functionality. They are primarily used to generate dynamic analyses allowing user interaction. But they can also access the ReportServer object model, and therefore they are particularly suited for the reporting of warehouse metadata as well as of ReportServer itself. An example for a meta report is a documentation report which generates an up to date documentation for all kinds of reports.
In the following sections we will provide you with in-depth information on the four different report types. Even if you intend to primarily work with the graphical report engines (Jasper or BIRT) we recommend you to read the Dynamic list section as we will explain here some of the principle techniques such as working with parameters. All of the following sections show a similar structure. First, we describe the principle techniques and concepts on which the report engine is based. This is not necessarily required for the creation and configuration of reports, and may be skipped on first-time reading. In the next step, we will explain the single configuration options in detail. For Jasper and BIRT we will additionally elaborate on the interoperability between ReportServer and the report designers offered by the manufacturers.
The grid editor component allows users to change data within database tables. The grid editor is backed by ReportServer scripts to define what data is loaded and how changed data is to be stored. In that way it is a very flexible component when you want to provide a simple data editor for users.