20.41. locate

The locate command searches for objects matching a given expression / object resolver query. The optional argument -t allows to filter the results to a given object type.

Note that, in order to find an object, your user has to have at least read permissions on that object and module read permissions on the management module where this object resides. E.g.: to find a specific report, the user has to have at least read permissions on the report and read permissions on the report management module. Check Chapter 3. User and Permission Management for more information on permissions.

Expressions can be an object id or object name / key. The object name / key may contain wildcards. E.g.:

locate 123 Locates the object with id 123.
locate my*Report Locates all objects matching the "my*Report" expression. E.g. it matches both "myJasperReport" and "myTableReport".
locate -t TableReport my*Report Locates all objects matching the "my*Report" expression of type "TableReport". I.e. it filters the results to return only TableReports.

You can further use an object resolver query to locate the specific entity or group of entities. Refer to Section 18.5. Object Resolver for more details of object resolver queries. Note that when you use an object resolver query, the -t option is ignored. Quotation marks are needed when the object resolver query contains spaces. E.g.:

reportserver$ locate "hql:from TableReport where id=123"
Report Root/Dynamic Lists/myReport (Reportmanager)

Use: locate [-t] expression