20.57. scheduleScript

Enables to execute timer controlled scripts. "scheduleScript list" delivers a list showing the currently scheduled scripts. scheduleScript execute allows to enter further dispositions.

Note that the command scheduler list shows all scheduler jobs, and scheduler remove jobid allows you to remove current jobs. Refer to the scheduler documentation in Section 20.58. for more details on this command.

To schedule scripts use the following syntax:

scheduleScript execute script scriptArguments expression

Here, script is the object reference of a script. Expression determines the scheduling sequence. Please find here some examples:

scheduleScript execute myScript.groovy " " today at 15:23
scheduleScript execute myScript.groovy " " every day at 15:23
scheduleScript execute myScript.groovy " " at 23.08.2012 15:23
scheduleScript execute myScript.groovy " " every workday at 15:23 starting on 15.03.2011 
		for 10 times
scheduleScript execute myScript.groovy " " every hour at 23 for 10 times
scheduleScript execute myScript.groovy " " today between 16:00 and 23:00 every 10 minutes
scheduleScript execute myScript.groovy " " every week on monday and wednesday at 23:12 
		starting on 27.09.2011 until 28.11.2012
scheduleScript execute myScript.groovy " " every month on day 2 at 12:12 starting on 
		27.09.2011 11:25 for 2 times